An Hour of Sleep

May 16th, 2009

After working for the SO all night I had about ninety minutes to get some sleep before going into work. I figured we would burn through the rig checks and I would take a nap.

We started with breakfast. It was a simple meal of eggs and french toast. I helped to make some of it.

After the breakfast we went to the rig checks. I was in charge of one of the ambulances. I am very thorough in my rig checks so I tend to take longer than a lot of the other guys. I like to check to make sure everything thing is there and it appears to work, not just that it is there.

When they were done with their rig the other guys came to help my with my ambulance. When it was done I went to lay down for a nap. It was a nice one, but short. It was three hours into it when I got called to a medical call.

I got back to the station and stayed up until after dinner. I also stayed up until after COPS was over with. I went to bed around nine o’clock at night. I didn’t sleep straight through the night, but I didn’t get out of bed until seven in the morning.