Computer Test in Liberty Lake

February 16th, 2010

This morning started off with a trip to Liberty Lake for an initial screening for a job. It was a written test that covered several topics I had no idea about. I talked to Jon about it afterwards and he pretty much said some of the things they were asking was pointless and worthless. It took about three hours of total drive time and about forty minutes when I was there.

After the interview I went to Colfax for patrolling. I went North via Endicott and St. John. I was burning some time before fire training in Colfax. I showed up a little late because I stopped by the funeral home where Pete was going over a case that had taken place a few hours earlier. He went over the findings with me.

I went to Colfax Fire and we did some stuff on ropes, knotts, and rigging set ups. When that was done I hit the road again and worked until two o’clock AM. It was a pretty quiet day. I wrote everyone warnings rather than tickets today.