Happy Twenty-Fifth KB

February 12th, 2010

At five I was going over to Kevin’s for a surprise birthday for him. I got him a card and gift certificate. I went to his place. BKoe was already there. There were about nine others there. We had some cake and hung out for about an hour. They left to go to a casino and I went to work at the County.

I was working with Larson tonight. I hit the road and got some dinner with the others and I was waiting for Larson to get to the SO. We got a chance to serve a search warrant.

I was the first one in the door. I did the roll I was assigned to do. After we were done Larson and I went to the SO to process all the evidence. It took several hours for us to do the computer and paperwork. I didn’t get out of the SO until five in the morning. That sucks because I have to teach first aid tomorrow morning. I wasn’t planning on being out that late.

When I was done I went to the fire station to get my class set up in case I wake up late.