Peeved Yet Again

March 16th, 2009

It is days like today that make me not want to work as a career firefighter. There is so many politics. Plus people who think that if they got shafted, it is only fair if everyone else gets shafted down the line. For example. If one person has to wait for a year to be eligible to do something, then everyone who comes after that person should have to wait. Rather than going with the flow and the changes in time, people will whine if it appears that someone else is getting off easier or gets into a better situation. It is crazy.

In the case for me now there has been a battle with me being an engineer. At first I was one. But then they took it away. But they say I will be an engineer again if I become a reserve. They talk about integrity of the program between the engineers system and both career and reserves, yet today I am being told I am good enough to be a reserve engineer, but not a career engineer when I actually have more training than a lot of the current career engineers. I was granted an exception recently due to the fact that as a temp the captains are not interested in getting me trained on the PL. So becoming an engineer is nearly impossible. But now that has been taken away because some people whined about it. I had to do X so, he should have to do X. It is a bunch of crap.

Later on I am sitting in the training room. The Lt from the other station comes down and I hear him call my name. I thought he wanted something computer related because I am always doing computer stuff for him. Instead he wanted me to make coffee because I am the lowest on the pole. That just royally pissed me off. It was in a public manor meant to outright embarrass me. Then the senior FF from that station started to speak up. I couldn’t care less to hear from him. He pissed me off when I bought everyone dinner and he complained about the selection. Plus he has a problem with me because I am not union.

So I walked in to make his coffee. I then walked down the hallway without saying anything and tried to relax. I was boiling. As I sat there I heard them call me into training.

I sort of feel like being too busy making coffee in the future to be able to help with computer problems. I feel like I may be too busy in the future to help out with other things.

I have struggled over the engineer stuff in the past, and I have felt like screw it I am not going to work on it. Then I have felt like screw THEM I am going to find a way to get it done with or without their help.

I really feel like I should say screw it and wait until I become a reserve again. I am tired of the crap. I am tired of dealing with it. I am going to be fulltime for almost a year before something comes of this, and if I get hired on, then I will have a whole nother year to put up with it. That is why I don’t feel like I want to take it.