Not Feeling to Good About It

May 5th, 2010

I had my chief’s interview for Pullman Fire today. I am not sure how I did. Actually when I left I felt like I didn’t do too well. As I was driving away I thought of areas I should have touched on. I should have been more enthusiastic. I should have included more information on some subjects, such as what I want to do for the fire department and where I see myself in five years. I think I left a lot on the table.

As I walked out of the station I just didn’t have the feeling like I nailed it. It is like when, in college, you take a final. You know right away if you did well or not when the test is complete. You know if you knew the stuff or not. I left thinking that I earned a C- or D on this interview. I don’t think I outright failed it, but I sure could have done a ton better.

I would hate to think how well I would have done if this had been my chief’s interview if they didn’t know me at all.