Goodbye WH4L

September 13th, 2010

After spending the better part of the last decade with WebHost4Life, I am leaving them.  Really, they left me a long time ago.  In the last year I have had so many outages of my websites.  They have gone down and back up at random times.  It has been horrible. When I tried to use tech support they have been very slow.  I had a SQL Injection Attack.  After figuring out the problem I fixed it.  But their control panel was broken and I couldn’t change my SQL Password.  So I asked them to do it.  It took more than five days!  In that amount of time my SQL Server was hit again.  I did my research and found a company I am going to try. is who I am trying.  So far I am impressed with their tech support.  I am also happy with the speed of their servers.  I also like that I can have multiple domains without having to create code to reroute the request to the proper domain.  The system allows me multiple websites.  So far, so good.

I spent the better part of the day moving over my websites.  The big one will be the cityofpullman website.  I had fire training tonight.  We are going over ladders.  We spent a lot of time throwing ladders and getting more comfortable with them.  It was a good training.

When we were done we went to My Office.  We hung out talking and laughing about the various activities we have been part of over the time at the fire department.

I spoke to Bob from Imprezzio.  I asked to get a copy of the contract they offered to me so I can look it over and decide if that is what I want to do.