Slow Friday Night

November 12th, 2010

I worked most of the day on getting some fixes to the SQL script.  I also went to Les Schwab to look at tires.  It was going to be real spendy for me, but once I get them then I will be set for the next forty thousand miles.  They have been ordered and they will be in on my next trip to Pullman. 

When I got home I was getting work done only to realize that it was close to six.  I was going to hurry to the station only to find out I was on engine tonight.  So I didn’t have to do rig checks.  I kept working on my computer. 

I went to Martin Stadium where Colfax High was playing a football game.  Colfax Ambulance was there.  I went down to the field and said hello to the guys.  Nebe, Hickman, and I got into a discussion about WSU Football and Coach Wulff.  I stayed through the first quarter and part of the second quarter. 

I went to get dinner later on and then got back to my house and made dinner and watched some TV. 

I got an e-mail saying some help was needed on some data that had gotten into the wrong zone.   There were only eight records, so I ran down all the data and made the scripts necessary to move the data.  I got that sent off.

We got one call tonight for a fire alarm.  We stood by at the station for about hour.  I went home and stayed up until around five in the morning.  Finally I went to bed after only getting one call this whole night.