Preparing for Thanksgiving

November 26th, 2008

This morning we had to wash the rigs after only a couple hours of sleep due to the trip to Spokane last night. Once I had the rigs washed it was quitting time I went home and got onto my computer. I spent a couple hours to get myself caught up. I was away from the house for the last seventy-two hours doing a three-day tour of duty.

I spent some time getting the photos for the photo board at the fire station. I had several new photos to end and print off.

I made a trip to Safeway to get supplies for my Thankgiving meal assignments. I am making the deviled eggs and stuffing. I am doing both by a recipe that I have never tried before, but also that gives no information about ingredient amounts. Just says to add this or that.

I boiled the eggs, but having looked up on the Internet how long to boil the egg. Then I had to peal them. That was a pain in the butt. I lost a couple eggs because they were getting damaged as I was pealing them. The filling turned out okay.

The stuffing was the same way, but I think it turned out okay. It took about two and a half hours to get everything prepared and cooked. When I was done I was not in a mood to cook for dinner. So I just threw in a frozen pizza an called it a night.