Worked for NU

October 17th, 2008

It has been a while since this last happened, but I got some work done for NU. I have a new spec that I have to work on. It is a big one. Plus I have a couple small ones to work on. I have until the end of the year. I am going to have to work hard over the next couple months because I have to overcome the short comings of our system as well as try to do development. This will be very difficult. But I let them know that.

My washing machine went down. I took my final load of laundry to the laundry mat and did it there. I spent the time that I was there going over my study guide for the academy. I was able to get through a lot of the questions that I had on my the guide.

I went to workout afterwards. I had to do a lower body workout. I was able to pound it out in about twenty minutes because of the exercises I chose. But I also shot hoops for a bit.

I am going out with Matt tonight. We decided we would go out and have a drink. He had a big week of midterms. We talked about his recent test for WSUPD as well as my new position with the Sheriff’s office.

We started at My Office. I had some pop and we both had some dinner. After My Office we went to Rico’s. We played several games of pool, but I won them all. I had some water while we were there. After Rico’s he headed out and I met up with Hanna, Jessie, Warren, Erik, and a couple others from the softball team. We were at Thai Ginger. I hung out there for about thirty minutes. I wanted to get home so I could get to bed because I needed to be up a little extra early for cooking breakfast at the fire department for the football game for tomorrow.