I Got Sprayed

September 13th, 2008

With very little sleep I needed to drive out to Mercer Island to work. I hit the road and cruised on over there. I was doing well on the time. I was worried about being tired, but it wasn’t that bad on the way there.

The first thing I had to do was jump into the water and get myself up on to each boat. There were three of them. The cop I was working with wanted me to do a cannonball. The first one was pretty bad. The second one went a lot better. The last one I made a big splash. He liked it. I was able to get myself on to the boat each time just fine.

I changed into my uniform and started the day. Dearth showed up and he walked through several things on the boats with me. It was nice to see him. He said that I am half the man I use to be. He said I am looking great. It was nice to see Dearth.

We spent most of the day working on different boats. We were going to do a boatside chat with the boat Dearth was on. The cop I was with told me to go to the bow of the boat and ask what side they wanted us on. All of a sudden I saw the master stream fire up. It was coming right at me. I was going to try to get away but it was too late. I got sprayed. They all thought it was funny. Dearth said I have been initiated. Then it was the cop I was with was in on it. It was all good.

Later on Dearth got on my boat and we all worked together. I learned a lot working with Dearth for the couple hours we were out there.

After dusk we started to stop boats left and right for navigation light problems. We left the water around eight. I got home and stayed up for a couple hours, finally going to bed around eleven at night.

One hour of sleep
jumping in the water
sprayed with master stream