A Counting Shift Member

August 27th, 2008

This morning it wasn’t supposed to be this way, but I was one of only four people on shift. A quick discussion was held and I was cleared to be a shift member. That means that I can count towards the staffing minimums and I am eligible to be on the overtime list and more. It was going to happen most likely on Friday. It just got moved up two days.

It was a little different. Now I am the driver on the ambulance today. And when we had calls I was the number two guy there. Helping the paramedic and doing what I needed to do. It is a bit of a different feeling.

We were pretty busy with normal shift duties and calls for service. I wanted to get some good sleep tonight, but we got some calls that interrupted that from happening.

I also worked to get next Wednesday off. The Bellevue company wants me to be here for a meeting with the potential buyers. I spoke with the chief and I said I was willing to go with a day without pay. Now I am set up to be in Seattle for a week and a day.