Working in the Office

July 7th, 2008

I went into the office today to put up my new computers. While I was there I talked to Barb a little bit about the future of the company. There is a chance they are going to sell us off. That would leave me somewhere that I don’t know. This uncertainty has been going on for several months now. I am still not sure what the next day or the next week has in store.

I went to lunch with Ricky. He is leaving the company and going to a new place because of everything that has been happening. That means it is only me after he is gone. I invited Noah and Chris to come eat with us. We went to Crossroads.

After lunch I headed back to Pullman. I had Monday Night training. We were doing a critique of the structure fire that we had last month at the Clarke Terrace apartments.

It lasted about two hours. I then went off to my house. I had to get caught up on the things I wasn’t able to do at the end of last week because of the softball tournament and being out of town.