Ended in a Tie

May 11th, 2008

With the weather not too cold, but with work needing to be done I went to work on my garage. I moved around some of the stuff I have on the shelves I built. I also put a lot of Brandon’s stuff on those shelves to get them out of the way from where they were. I was getting things cleaned up. I still need to get the things off the table in the garage and put away. But I am a step closer.

I washed my car and cleaned the inside of it as well. I mowed the lawn. I was going to work on my den, which needs cleaning bad, but I decided that is something I can do at night when it is dark outside.

It was getting close to game time so I got ready and made my way to the field. I was expecting more women than showed up. We were playing one woman short today. That was hurtful. We got another out each time through the line up.

My first at bat I sent one sailing over the fence for a two-run homerun. We went to work that inning and scored eight runs. But Zeppoz climbed right back into it scoring more than that. It was a seesaw battle back and forth.

The game ended in a tie however. Because it was a preseason game and we were out of time they didn’t let us finish it. So we are one, zero, and one in the preseason.

After the game I went down to Cougar Country. Got some dinner and talked with a couple people from the team who showed up.