Taco Tuesday

March 11th, 2008

Tonight’s HazMat training dealt with using the computer and weather station to create computer models for the spread of the HazMat release. It is something that I have not really touched in a major way since the class I took on these applications about four years ago. It was good to get into this stuff.

I remembered a fair amount of the stuff and the rest of it I was reminded of as the class went on.

I went to The Zzu with BKoe and Kevin. We had some tacos and played pool for a couple hours. The whole night I was doing well with the pool playing. In fact my team or when I was by myself, I never got beaten. Most of the games were won by my team or we lost the game by scratching on the Eight-Ball. I have one shot that I had not done in a long time where I put enough english on the ball to roll around one ball and hit my ball in the pocket. The guys at the table were very impressed with that shot. I followed it up with an easy shot on the Eight-Ball and missed it. Then I started to get crap from everyone.