Horrible Car Wreck

February 27th, 2008

After my workout this morning I was at home cleaning up. I heard Colfax Fire get dispatched out to something. But I didn’t hear what it was. I was going to ignore it, but I figured that I would turn on my scanner and listen to it while I was cleaning up. I just had a feeling it was a big one.

Before long I heard one of the cops on the way to the scene say there was one “possible.” So I listened in closer as the units were arriving on scene. I heard the ambulance get on scene and say that there were two confirmed and to notify Paul-Sixty-Four.

I called Pete to give him a heads up. He asked if I could take the case and call Ken to help out. I was just getting finished cleaning up so I was able to run pretty quickly.

When I got to the scene it was pretty quickly obvious that it was a bad one. We wee on scene for hours and hours because we were waiting for various people to do their part of the scene.

After the scene we went to the funeral home to continue our investigation. We were starving. It was after six o’clock. Pete took us to Eddy’s for dinner. We went over the findings and had dinner. Then it was back to the office for the remainder of the work on the case.

It was a very long day that I didn’t expect to be half this long.

The photos shown on the news showed the car had been smashed down heavily on the driver side. The news also showed a semi truck that had busted through some guardrail and went into a field. It looked like a lot of force was in the wreck. A state trooper was quoted in the newspaper saying that it was the worst he had seen in a long time.