The Reserve Association Hit Bumps
When I had the meeting for the reserve association to cover the constitution and the things we are trying to accomplish Chapman was critical of the overall idea and that it will drive a wedge between everyone. That having a shirt that says reserve association will drive a wedge. He wants a single unified front and that we should separate ourselves. That doing anything like that is bad. But there was no though given to the fact that we already have a reserve fund and that we have always used that separately.
I just think there are outside influences over this. It is silly. Anyone who is against what has been put together so far is doing so ignorantly. They could not have read what the goal and objectives are. They are basing everything on hearsay at best and bad assumptions at worse.
I just hope that between now and the end of next month people will have had some time to think about it some more. I need to speak with Chapman more. He pretty much derailed what was planned for the meeting.
One guy said that we should do everything that the association was going to do, but just not call it an association. Therefore making everything okay. So that would lead one to believe it is not about what the association does, it is about the word association. What is so scary about what we are trying to do.
I felt like I was left to hang last night. No one really spoke up if they were in favor of it. Even one of the most vocal people is saying that right now he has no position because he is not in Pullman. I told him that he is leaving me hanging because the thing will collapse if it appears that there is no support from the majority of the people.
I also plan to have a meeting with the union president. It seems that a lot of union members are asking why we are trying to start a union. Which goes to show the ignorance about what is happening. It also shows that they really don’t care other than to cause trouble. Because those people have been told to talk to me and none of them have. They don’t care about the truth. Maybe I am wrong about it, but come on, when people make assumptions, know where to get the correct information and refuse to get it… one word… Ignorance.
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