Heading to Waitsburg
This morning I got cracking on the login controls as well as the other parts of the demo I was scheduled to create. I was working away at it. I was a step ahead as I had just done this stuff in my learning process, so I was able to set it up quicker than normal. But I was running into a problem when I was told we are not going to use a database for this demo. That meant I had to figure out another way to do the profiles. After much searching and not getting anything to work, I finally decided to talk to Ricky about using session variables. He said we will be using those, and because of that, I was able to get my stuff done.
I spent some time getting packed for going to Waitsburg for the softball tournament. I also would check the computer for new messages. I was able to get a few things tweaked as I was getting that done.
I went to Jess Ford around six o’clock to meet up with Jake, Kelly, and Matt to head to the park. We pulled into Lewis Clark State Park around eight o’clock. I got my tent set up. Everyone was impressed with how easy it was to set up. It is a Coleman with all the poles built in. All you had to do was snap one object into place. It was super easy.
We talked to the park ranger who did not want us to use the cement pad for a fire pit. He said just pull up the grass and use that. So we built a fire pit after carefully taking out the grass and setting it aside. We got a fire going and then spent part of the evening sitting around the fire and talking with everyone as we waited for the morning for the softball tournament to start.
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