Bovill Day Two
I was up early again this morning on my way to Bovill. I got there around seven-thirty in the morning again. I got ready and we were playing just after eight in the morning. Our sticks were pretty cold. I wasn’t cold though. I have an inside-the-park homerun plus two walks and one fly out. We lost that game and got moved to the loser bracket.
The next game was two hours later. I had myself a cheeseburger and waited around for the game. We played a second team and beat them pretty easily. We had a big inning scoring a lot of runs. I have four doubles in the game including three that were ground-rule doubles. That is because there was a ditch in right field and if you hit the ball over the head of the outfielders it would go to the ditch. I did that three times.
Between that game and our next one the sun was beating down on us. There were several ten-six-seven’s walking around shirtless. It was something good to look at as I waited for the next game.
We played against a team with several players from the Pullman area. They went on to beat us pretty soundly. That was all for us. I would have liked to play some more, but it was good to get to head home.
When I got closer to Moscow I turned on my phone and found a call from Pete. He told me about a fatal car accident that happened near Clarkston last night. So I was right in my instinct that there was going to be a case last night. As it turned out though the person was taken to Lewiston before death was pronounced so it wasn’t really one of our cases, but I had a feeling it was a bad car accident.
When I got home I got some dinner at Cougar Country.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Co-Ed Post-Season Tourney
I started at pitcher and I wasn’t doing great. We were playing a coed B league team that was moved up into our league. I walked several people through out the first couple innings costing us runs. Finally I got Heston to pitch and the pitching problem went away. We started to get better at the plate and we started to get walked plus we were hitting the ball well. Sooner or later we finally took a lead.
It was a tight game but we ended up pulling it out and staying in the winning ways.
After the game we went to Pete’s Bar and Grill for some food and beer while waiting for our next game. But I was going to be going to the golf tournament.
I stuck around until the latest possible time I could wait until I had to go home and get ready to golf. Matt found a guy named Travis to cover for him on the team because Matt was unable to play. I called him and we planned on riding together to Colfax.
While the game was getting ready to start I got the lineup written and a couple umpired were roasting me in front of Heston and some others. I was laughing so hard. It was about my pitching. They said that Heston should never let me pitch. I took it very well.
As a joke I took the mound as the game was getting ready to start and one of the umpire who roasted me was there. I looked at him and pretended that I wasn’t going to pitch because of what he said. It was pretty good.
I went to home after that to get ready. I got my golf clubs and went to Dissmore’s. I got some water and picked up Travis. He is ten-six-seven. His complexion reminds me of BKoe.
When we got to Colfax he took his shirt off to switch to a different shirt. That was a treat because, as I said, he was ten-six-seven.
We finally got out on the course. I had Hansen and Pete playing with my team. We were not kicking butt, but we were holding our own. At the break we had some dinner and did the raffle. I won a couple prized including golf balls, a shirt, and a hat.
On the second round we were using the glow balls. It was harder, but I started to do better because I wasn’t trying to crush the ball. Towards the end of the round Pete hit a ball and it looked like he crushed it, but we don’t know where the ball went because he hit the glow stick out of the ball. Hansen did that twice as well. We were laughing so hard.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Golf, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Steptoe vs Colfax Fire Softball
Colfax and Steptoe Fire had the second annual softball game for bragging rights and a traveling trophy. I had an okay day at the plate, I did get an inside the park homerun driving in the go-ahead runs. But before we knew it the Steptoe team went to work in the sixth inning and they came back for the victory. At one point Scott was at bat. A pitch came towards him. He didn’t move and let it go right off the top of his head. It cracked everyone up.
I got in Albion’s Ambulance with Jessie and Ben in St. John to go to the Sprint Boat Races. We hung out with the Rosalia ambulance crew and watched the races for the next five hours. It was a lot of fun.
A boat racing in the slough
This boat hit the side hard and ended up flipping
Some of the boats left some big rooster tails
The Jeeps that were used to launch the boats
The one thing that was nice was the weather, at least for the first part of the race. That caused a lot of ten-six-sevens to remove the shirts giving all the more eye candy to enjoy as I was there.
I got back to Colfax and was dropping off some paperwork for some coroner’s cases when Heston called about setting up some huge tents for Cougar High School Football Camp. We had to get two of them set up. That took us a couple hours. A. Wilcox was helping… Yet another ten-six-seven.
I went to the fire station and did some Excel work for Rudy to help me consolidate hours for overtime so they could use it during the upcoming negotiations.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Jersey Night Lives On!
I spent a couple hours with Ben driving in Engine Thirty-One going around looking at FDC locations. It started with an EMS call coming in. We went to the scene with Rescue. Then it was off to the engine. No calls came in while we were using the Engine.
I went to the WSU Surplus said with Bruce. We found him some pants to wear but as it turned out the whole box was sold in the auction and we were not able to get the pants. That sucked for him.
We were going to be playing against his team this evening in softball. It wasn’t quite a run away like the others games for us. My first at bat was a triple and that felt good to hit it. It was my first extra-base hit in the regular season for men’s softball.
We ended up being tied at fourteen each. We went into the eighth inning. We shut down Tubbs. On our at bat we went to work. Warren hit a double. Peter got walked and Kelly hit the game winning double. It was a nice victory. We are starting to click as a team.
After the game Joe invited me to go to Pete’s to meet up with his team, Tubbs. I said I would come down, but I needed to say Happy Birthday to Heather first. I went to the Moose. I said happy birthday to her and said hello to many of the others who are part of that group.
Then I went to Pete’s. I was only going to drink pop, but it was Jersey Night. Jessie and Craig from Colfax fire were there. I sat with them for a while and we talked. Craig and I started a text messaging game on accident. We had to text message a single word to the other person that has something to do with the word that was texted to you. We went on with that for a long time.
Joe came over with a shot for everyone. I had one. Then another shot. Then some beer. Then it was over with for me. I got my vehicle home and back for more beer. Then we went to ValHalla. Loren was there and he was drunk. He gave me two Long Island Ice teas that he couldn’t finish. Plus I got another drink there.
The next stop was Mike’s. We had more to drink there. Plus the guys from Tubbs were being crazy. A couple of them were in the dancing cage having fun. Then it was off to Thai Ginger, which use to be Shermers. On the way Chambers, from Tubbs, wanted to run to the bar. We were taking a taxi. He went off sprinting. A couple Pullman cops were in the area and almost had to jump out of his way. They were wondering what the heck was going on.
He beat us to the bar. We had more to drink there. We played some darts and other games. Then it was across the street to My Office. That was the final stop of the night. We closed out My Office. I spent time talking with Jake and Mac from Tubbs. I think both of them are ten-six-sevens. It was a very fun night. I got a ride home in a taxi. I stayed up for a while drinking water before going to bed. It was going to be a short night because I have to get up on the early side tomorrow.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Death Investigation Class Day Four
After class this afternoon I went to Portland with Greg again. On the way we stopped by a marina to look at some more sail boats. We checked out the various boats for a while.
We went to Powells Books again. This time we spent about an hour. I went back to the section I was at the other day. I also went through their gay sections. I was looking for something, but I didn’t know what for sure. I figured I would know it when I found it. I turned out not finding anything I wanted.
After we got back to Kelso we stopped to get something to eat at Arby’s. As we were walking into the hotel there was a ten-six-seven passing me by. I sometimes wonder who they are. I sometimes think about how there are millions of people in America and I will probably never see that person again. I sometimes would like to just stop and say hello. I figure if you say hello to everyone you pass, you will have said hello and “met” a lot of people, but it would be interesting to think that even with a lifetime of doing that you will not have even met one-percent of the population of America, I would bet.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner, Mo, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Drive Time with Chipper
Clark and I went out to do some drive time today at the fire department. We were only going to do an hour, but we ended up getting all his hours completed on rescue. So now we are closer to him getting done with this part of his rookie book.
Later on we had our coed softball game. I didn’t plan on playing any of it. I was just going to coach. We had a ton of women and quite a few men. We ended up losing because our men hit horrible.
In the last inning I subbed myself in for Dan because I knew I could get a hit and we needed that. I did get a hit. But we lost with the bases loaded down only by three runs. That sucked.
Brandon played on the team today as well. Then following the game we went to The Zzu. We played pool for a couple hours. I was on fire for a while. I won most of the games we played. I did another shot that needed some good english on the ball for it to be made. That was the second time I did that in front of Brandon. He just laughed when I made it.
I also saw the guy who Russell called “The Hottest Guy in Pullman”. He was having some beers with a guy I know. So I am going to talk to the guy I know.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Wet Lab at WSU
Today the only real plan was to go to the WSU Wet Lab. But it turned out there was a coroner’s call. I talked to Patti and she invited me to come. The investigation was very interesting. I had to look at a lot of evidence around the house to figure out what was going on. It was an interesting case and I cannot wait to learn more.
Then it was off to the WSU PD. I started by getting a breath sample. That would show that I had no alcohol on board to start off with.
Blowing into the PBT to start the day
We had tequila and rum to drink. Carl and Heidi from PPD, and Dan from the PAs office were there to help out. We drank and played a game called Scene It. That was a lot of fun. Dan bought some pizza for everyone and we continued to drink. Through out the drinking part we were supposed to keep watching the BAC readings so we would get to a very specific level of intoxication. I was supposed to be at about a Point-One.
When we were done drinking we went over to the CUE building for the actual field sobriety tests. On the way there Carl was making some observation about someone who I was thinking was a ten-six-seven. I acknowledged that I did think that person was a ten-six-seven and Carl started to laugh. We got another PBT test to see how intoxicated we were. The Pullman cops who had come to help out with the tests got called out to a person not breathing.
Soon the coroner called me to see if I could take the case, but I was in no condition to do that.
Doing a HGN test
Trying to stand on one leg without falling
Doing the walk and turn event
One more shot of the walk and turn
Brandon was also there. He took some photos and watched what was going on. I have found the alcohol will cause me to lose my swear filter and I tend to allow more swear words to flow. I also noticed that I allow my homosexuality to come to the surface a little bit. But I am usually able to suppress it.
During the test though a couple of the people doing the tests on me were ten-six-seven. A couple times I almost blurted out that fact. I was able to hold on to that though.
The FST went on for a while and the people doing them were doing a good job with them. We had a debriefing after the tests. Then we all went to Rico’s. I started to drink a lot of water. My highest reading I remember was a point-one-three. I was feeling very drunk. What was interesting to me was when I was at a point-oh-five I felt like I was too drunk to drive.
Carl said I should let Brandon know that I am gay. I figure as a cop now, he will hear about it through the grapevine. I don’t necessarily like the fact that it just gets spread around, but I figured that Brandon is a very good friend and I wanted to let me know rather than him finding out via the grapevine.
I sat down and said to Brandon “I am gay.” He asked me a couple times if I was serious. I said yes. Then we looked at Matt across the table and Matt confirmed it. Then Matt told Brandon the story where Matt found out. It was the scene where he made a joke not knowing about it. Carl and Monte had told him afterword because Matt sort of thought he had said the wrong thing around me. Carl thought it was funny. I let Matt know he didn’t say anything bad.
Brandon did ask why I was telling him. I would like to chat with him a little bit more about it, but I don’t want to make a big deal about it. He said he is cool as long as I don’t hit on him. I said I haven’t hit on him and that will not change.
While at Rico’s we listened to music and talked about random stuff as people usually do while their at the bars. I was there until Matt gave me a ride home around midnight. I was tired, but I also drank more water when I went home to make sure I would not have a hang over in the morning. After all I had about fourteen shots of Hard-A between four and six o’clock PM.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner, Friends, Mo, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)The Darkness of the Unknown
With the whole unknown about what is happening with the company taking us over, we have had some interesting conversations. One of the first things Ricky told me is that I should start looking for a new job. He said he has been. I know that Noah has pretty much not been asked back, so he is out and about looking for a job.
I am not sure how to take it all. I would like to stay here keeping everything going as is. I am hoping that when they come down to work with us that they offer some nice pay and we retain the people we have.
I made it into the East Highlands Fitness to do my workout tonight. There was one group of guys who were working out together. One younger guy, who was ten-six-seven, had ripped arms. Very well defined. But his legs weren’t overly defined like is arms. When I see that I always wonder if these guys only work on their arms to make them look good, but let the rest of the body just go to heck. I am sure he does some stuff for legs, but compared to his arms, they looked weak.
Speaking of ten-six-seven, the TV show Kyle XY is back on the air. I started to follow the show last season. Now I am pretty much hooked and I keep watching it. I like it, and the main character is very ten-six-seven.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Another Year in the Books
Wilson and I were planning on responding on calls today. When one came out, the Rescue was out of service, so we didn’t get to go anyway. The Rescue came back in service around five in the evening. So I didn’t get to play today.
I worked on my table saw. I want to get a new blade for it. So I was going to have to get the old one off of it. I got some stuff to help loose the bolt because when I looked at it, it appeared to be pretty gunked up. I worked on the bolt for about twenty minutes before I was able to get it off. It turned out that Pullman Building Supply was closed. I wasn’t able to get a new blade anyway.
I spent part of the day messing around on the computer. Some of the day was spent watching some TV shows. I feel like there are a lot of things I want to get done. I am at a point where I wanted to work on my big project involving the reserve website but the problem is I didn’t want to waste this day away just doing that.
The new years eve parties only come once a year and I wanted to partake in at least one. Doug said he was working at The Zuu. So I decided to go there. Mark was there and we spent most of the time I was there talking. Peter showed up for a while. He blind sided me with a new years kiss on the cheek. I saw Catlin there. His girl is the one who I always buy my pop from down at the Tesoro.
While at The Zuu I noticed the DJ. He was a ten-six-seven. I watched him for a while. Then I found out that Peter knew him, so I asked Peter what his name was. I also saw this other ten-six-seven. He was an all around hottie. He had the ski-jump style nose, a nice trimmed patch of hair under his chin. He was the boy next door type. I just enjoyed the view as I was standing there talking to people.
I left around one in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Hanging with Mike D
Today was the final day of the men’s basketball pre-Pac-Ten games. It was a pretty easy victory for the men. I worked it with Nick. I spent a fair amount of the time talking to the WSU cops. We first talked about a recent death that took place on campus. It was a pretty tragic thing.
Later on I was just chatting with a couple other ones about Colfax PD. One of them was a Colfax cop for a while.
Towards the end of the game the Cougar starters were all on the bench to make way for the young guys to get play time. They got a lot of it today.
I got a text message from Mike D. He was in town for the basketball game. He asked if I was interested in going to Pete’s for Wiley’s. I was on call for the Coroner so I could not drink, but I wanted to see Mike. It has been a while. He now lives in Montana.
I drove down there in the Bumblebee when I saw that Pete’s was closed. Soon I saw three people walking down the road including Mike. He had two girls with him and that all had Wiley glasses. We ended up going to Rico’s. I saw Johnson there. I gave him a howdy.
Then I was introduced to a guy named Nick. He was blue eyed and ten-six-seven. I also got some non-weedeater-owning vibes from him. Mike, the girls, and I went up stairs and played some pool. Soon Nick and the girl he was with joined us. At first I was thinking that he was her boyfriend. Later I found out he is not her boyfriend.
Peter and Kevin showed up. We were messing around texting each other. We were making some sort-of inside jokes about Nick being gay. Or really we were insinuating that he was gay. The thing about him was he was flamboyant and he was cocky at the same time. He was beating me in pool and we were really crap talking each other. I was doing it all in fun.
As the night was winding down and we were getting ready to go he was asking me some honest questions about buying or renting houses. I was trying to give him some good information. But with his intoxication level I was thinking at best he was going getting sound bites. He did let me know where he worked. I might poke my head in there someday. I am going to not write it in here as I don’t want to give away who I am talking about here.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Cougs, Friends, Mo, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)More Zeppoz poker
After only about two hours of sleep I was woken up by a phone call from Pete. There was a call waiting in the wing. I had guessed it had to do with the call we had this morning. Later on in the morning I called Pete and it turned out to be what I was thinking it was. As it turned out I had transported the same person to Spokane about ten days prior. So I was familiar with him.
In the rest of the day Wilcox, Dearth, and I responded on EMS and fire calls. The first one was a pretty bad looking accident. Turned out it wasn’t much of anything when it was done. A lot of people stopped to help. I was talking to one person who was there. I got the vibes and the gaydar was going off. I found him on Facebook and sure enough he is family.
I was running really late for poker. Sign ups were at five-thirty, and it was almost that time when we got back to the station after our fourth call of the afternoon. With the heavy snow covering the road we had a long day. But now it is raining and the roads are getting all slushy.
I got to Zeppoz in time to get a seat at the table. Due to the weather, I believe, there was a limited number of players. We ended up having three full tables, but it took almost until six o’clock to get there.
A ten-six-seven who has been in all the tournaments since I started to play was there. He is not the normal blonde/blue but, he is still ten-six-seven.
Towards the end of the night I was knocked out in seventh place again. The ten-six-seven was in the final four. All of a sudden there was a small uproar at the table. I was playing a table game right next to the poker table. I turned around and saw the ten-six-seven with tears in his eyes. Someone said he would chop the pot with him. I didn’t know what had happened.
Later on I found out his dad had died and he was called about it during the game.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner, Mo, Poker, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)The Ron Paul Show
On today’s radio show I had a couple guests who were talking about Ron Paul as a candidate for president. One of the two guests was ten-six-seven. I didn’t know that he was going to be that way until he got to the show. I tried to do some research on the guys before they came on the show, but his facebook account was set up so you had to be a friend to see his photos.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Radio Show, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Got my Shopping Done
I got up this morning and there was a response from the cop I knew on He answered my question and pondered who I was. I didn’t tell him straight up, but I responded to his question of me.
I went to Safeway and did my shopping. I had been needing to go there for quite a while. While there I saw Bruce. We stopped and chatted for a while. Later I saw C-Bass. Coach Doba was there shopping. I also saw the Pullman Fire ambulance crew buying some stuff for dinner.
I got home and put everything away. I had some time before I had to go back to Zeppoz. I got the IM address of the guy who I know that is gay. I also responded to the cops’ message back to me.
Then it was off to Zeppoz for the tournament. There was a ten-six-seven there again. I have seen him the last three weeks that I was there. I finally found out who it was. He is a local. I always want to play on his table, but we get different tables.
In today’s game I decided that I would not do more than one re-buy. That is all I ended up needing. I made it longer that I had in previous tournament. I was out in the seventh place. They paid the top four, with more than two-hundred going to first place. I was the second lowest in chips on the final table. But I won a big hand. Only to lose it later on. Then I had only enough for one big blind. I only had three hands to get something to play. I got K-9 suited. I went all in. I got two-pair, but I lose to someone with trips. That was my night.
I played a table game. I lost nearly twenty bucks, but I changed tables. I won back my money and walked out of there even.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Mo, Poker, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)The Boys see Cougar Football in Pullman
Today is the first time that Justin and Logan got to see a Cougar Football game in Martin Stadium. I woke up in the morning, but I was still a little tire. Jon took the boys out to find some ponchos. I stayed at home.
Later on I got up and worked on stuff for NU. I had breakfast with the guys when they got back. We started to get ready for the game. We stopped at McDonald’s for lunch. We planned on parking in the old Sigma Chi parking lot. There was room so we did park there. We walked down to the fieldhouse. John called me and let me know Rob was in town.
I went to the ambulance that they were on. Rob was doing a ride along. I sat in the ambulance for a while talking and listening in on the stories. This is the first time I have seen Rob since he left the reserves to become a trooper. It was neat to see him. In someway it was just like the old days with him and John. Laughing and joking and having fun.
I went back to the fieldhouse to meet up with Jon, Logan, and Justin. We watched some of the UW vs Cal game. Cal was getting beat. It was close to time to head to our seats.
We made our way there. We were at the twenty-yard line, five rows back. While there I noticed a ten-six-seven. Blonde hair, blue eyes, with well defined arms. Number Thirty for OSU. He was on their special teams. He looked very ripped.
The game started with heavy rain. We all wore our ponchos to keep dry. The Beavers went out to a quick lead and never looked back. We turned over the ball so many times, seven interceptions and one fumble. It gave the Beavers short field all day long. The Cougs scored two touchdowns, but each time we scored the Beavers would quickly score. It was a horrible day for the Cougs.
After the game was done we left. The stadium was just over half full when the game started. It had maybe one-tenth the seating capacity filled when the game was done. With the poor showing and the bad weather a lot of people left early. But not us.
We went to Pizza Pipeline and got some dinner. Then back to my place to eat it. I went to my office after dinner to work on the NU Application some more. John, Rob, and I were going to go out, but they ended up bumming out.
I stayed at home doing work into the early morning hours.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Cougs, Football, Friends, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)I got an “A”
This morning started with teaching two fire extinguisher classes up on campus. Each class takes about thirty minutes. Tim, one of the new reserves, and I took rescue up to the motorpool. The classes went off without a problem. It was the first time I had taught the class.
When we were done I had to hustle home in order to get changed and down to the dentist for my bi-yearly cleaning. Dr. Fairbanks gave me an A for having done a good job on my teeth since my last visit. I got a new toothbrush and floss following my visit.
I went to work and got one of my bugs completed and Will helped me with a problem with the javascript I had on another bug. So tomorrow will be time to start a new bug in the works.
At four I went to the station to get the minivan and Chris and I went to the Halloween event at Pioneer Center. We gave out a bunch of balloons to the kids who came. I saw Bruce and Taj from the softball team up there.
Following that I went home and changed into street clothes and went to Jason’s place for a movie. We watched “1408”. It is a horror movie about a writer who reviews places that are supposedly haunted. It was quite a trippy movie.
When it was done Russell and I went to Mike’s bar. I got my costume on and away we went. There were so many ten-six-sevens up there it wasn’t funny. A couple guys were dressed up as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That consisted of long johns and green paint on their shirtless chest. They had a shell that was made out of some wood and paint on their back. Russell and I both enjoyed the view as they were both very well ripped. A couple others were dressed as Spartans. Those guys also were very good looking.
We were up there for several hours. I had some girls who were very afraid of my costume. I also messed with Jonno from the FD. He was dressed up as one of the American Gladiators. He had no idea it was me. Russell told Andrew from the FD that I was the one in the costume. I was upset about that because I had used the costume for a couple years and I wouldn’t tell anyone it was me, even after the time. It was my little secret.
When I was on the dance floor a couple girls started to grind on me. It was pretty strange to have that happen. I wasn’t sure how to grind totally and I didn’t want to do it wrong, so I sort of went along with what the girl was doing.
We left a little before two in the morning. I went out a door and sort of busted through it. When I got outside a couple cops were there. I put my hands up and tried to make it out that I was not a bad guy. I let them know my “knife” was only a prop. Which was obvious. I was just sort of having fun.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Buying the Car Washing Stuff
With the new truck and my determination to keep it clean, unlike the old truck, I went to Schucks and bought some stuff for washing the truck, like a chamie, California Water Blade, and car washing soap.
I went home and got it washed. While I was washing it Jason called about getting together. He called Russell. I got my truck washed and dried. I picked up Russell and then we went to Jason’s. He got some pizza. We had pizza and watched Transformers.
That was a good movie. I really enjoyed it. I also found the main star of the movie was a ten-six-seven. I spent a lot of time watching him in the movie.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)EMS Evaluator
This evening was I asked to cover for Blanks because he was sick. I went to do rig checks followed by the EMS Evaluator class. When I went inside I found several people who were not from Pullman. One was a pretty boy-like ten-six-seven. Not my normal kind of eye-catching guy, but something about him made me want to see more – a lighter brown skinned white guy with brown eyes and brown hair.
When the class was done I helped George look through a list of computer spec that his son is looking at getting as a laptop.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Ryan’s Wedding
Today is the big day. I woke up and got cleaned up. Russell and I needed to go to the tux rental shop to get new pieces for the tux. My shoes needed to be bigger as well as a better fitting shirt size. Once that was completed Russell and I were off to find some roses.
We drove around for a little while and bumped into a place called Just Roses. We were able to get two red and two pink roses. We went back to the hotel to check out and send our postcards that we wrote last night.
Russell and I took Ryan’s parents to dinner at Franks Diner. I had to cut out a little early and pick up Anna and one of her friends from the mall. I took them to the hotel and then parked my truck.
I had been stressing about the best man speech, but this morning in the shower I figured out the direction I wanted to take the speech. I was going to talk about what friends are and what a best friend is. I was going talk about meeting Ryan and playing softball and hanging out with him over the years. I felt better now that I knew what I was going to say.
We went to the hotel and started to get ready. Nick came and I got some photos of him and Russell together.
Russell and Nick looking dignified
Once everyone got their tuxes on we went around and took photos. I got one of Ryan in the dressing room in a chair. I also got Russell and one of me in the chair as well.
Ryan in the chair
Russell in the chair
Me in the chair looking like I am from the nineteenth century
I also got one of me being silly.
Being Silly
We then went out and took photos around the area. I also was getting photos. I got one of Ryan’s brother and his new brother-in-law.
Ben (ten-six-seven), Ryan’s new brother-in-law
Keith, Ryan’s younger brother
Once that was done we were back at the hotel, the time was counting down for the wedding to start. People started to file into the Davenport hotel. The wedding started and it lasted around thirty minutes total. I was the best man and stood next to Ryan. It was neat to see the whole thing.
We went and got some more photos and then made our way to the reception room. They made a grand entrance for Ryan and Anna. I sat at the table with Ryan and Anna. I went and made my way through the line for some chow.
As it turned out Russell and I were sitting at a table with a couple other gay people. So it was the gay table. With Nick there as well. We did not know the other guys, but it was pretty obvious about them.
It came time for the toast. I got up to give my speech. I did a great job doing it. I was prepared and it went smoothly. I did not try to be funny, but the parts that were lighter got some laughter. That was good.
Making My Best Man Speech
Ryan and Anna did their first dance together.
The first dance
The first dance
Russell and Nick got out there to dance a little bit as well.
When the reception got going Ben gave Russell and I a cigar. We went outside to smoke it. It was not very tasty. Russell got a great photo of him smoking it.
Russell smoking the cigar
As the night was winding down I signed the paperwork for Ryan and Anna’s marriage. While we were doing that Keith mention that he lost a stud from his tux. Ryan looked at me and said “So have you”.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Major Life Event, Mo, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)First Night in Spokane
I got off work early today to head up to Spokane for Ryan’s wedding. I picked up Russell and we hit the road. It was slow going with all the traffic going both ways. We got near Spokane and I called Ryan to tell him that I had to turn around due to a car accident on the highway. Russell called him back shortly after I hung up worrying that Ryan would be too worried.
When we got to Spokane we went to the Davenport where the wedding was going to be held and where we were staying. While in the lobby I saw Ben. He was ten-six-seven. It is funny how different people can be different ten-six-sevens. Ben is more of a young-man like ten-six-seven. Russell thought he was good looking as well.
We started with the rehearsal. Everyone practiced walking to their appointed position. Went through the workings of the ceremony. Then it was off to the dinner. We were eating a place just around the corner from the Davenport.
On the way back from dinner I decided to walk because we were a block away. Ryan, Russell, Anna, and her friend went back with Ryan. While walking down the road Ryan slowed down to ask “how much”, making a joke that I was a hooker.
I said, really loud, “For you, big boy, anything for fifty cents”. I was two steps from the corner. As I turned it there was a guy and a girl walking around the corner we almost bumped each other. The guy gave me a funny look.
We had to hurry to get to the comedy show. We ended up sitting up front. That added to the joy of the night for sure. One comedian was on stage and asked if anyone lived with their mom. I started to make a clapping motion then stopped just before hitting hands. He noticed this and pointed it out to everyone. I started laughing very hard.
The rest of the evening different comedians would joke about me. One guy looked at Ryan and Russell and said it was nice of them to take “their special friend” out on the town.
When the show was done it felt like I had been roasted. It was a great time. I went to the bar area where the comedian who did most of the roasting was. He saw me and came over. He shook my hand and gave me a half-hug. We talked for a few minutes. One guy who was watching the show said I earned a Good Spirit Award for taking the ribbing so well.
We went back to the hotel and I started to try to think about what to say for the best-man speech. I was having a hard time coming up with anything. I pulled out a postcard that the Davenport gives away with the room. I got a phonebook and opened it to a random white page location and randomly pointed at a name in the phonebook. I then wrote a message to that person on the postcard.
While I was writing the letter to the person a phone call came in around two in the morning. It was hotel security saying we had a noise complaint against us. I then wrote in the letter “We just got a noise complaint, WHATEVA!”
Russell got a postcard and also wrote to the people who lived in Medical Lake. We thought that was pretty funny.
After Ryan left the room I spent some more time trying to think about what to write, but I was not able to come up with anything. I finally went to bed around three in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Major Life Event, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Opening of My Boating Season
It is about time! I had a day off and made plans to go to the river with my boat. Russell, Peter S, and Kevin were all coming along. I got my boat started up at the house before we even headed out. I also put the battery on the charger last night to make sure there was a full charge to it. After it was started I put the equipment I figured we would use.
Peter and Russell showed up. We went to Safeway to get water, gas, and some food. We called Kevin up and went to get him. Kevin is ten-six-seven. Very nice blue eyes and blonde hair and good looks. We got to the river and launched the boat. I found shortly after launching that there is a pretty good leak on it, so I was going to have to make sure that I kept pumping the water out. It seemed like after being out there for a little bit the leaking slowed down.
We drove toward Granite Point and then down to the dam and back past Granite Point. I was looking for a good spot to do some tubing. Finally I decided to go to the Granite Point area because compared to everything else, it looked the best. Russell was the first on the tube. I hit a big wave and Russell went flying out of the tube. The guys in the boat loved it.
I got Peter out there next and got a couple good crashes on him. Kevin also had a good wreck. He sort of racked his balls. I took Russell over to Granite Point where he went diving for lost treasures. He found a Mountain Dew and a pair of sunglasses. Peter jumped off the cliff. Then I took him over to the other side of the river where he jumped from the sixty foot cliff. That was an impressive jump.
When we were done at the river we went to Cougar Country for some dinner. I went to the fire station and then went with the guys to the training tower where we were doing some stuff with the class A foam and seeing why the foam cell was getting overfilled. It appeared water was getting pushed into it.
We found we were unable to flow foam at all. We had some hoses out and sprayed water all over the place for a while though. Following that I went home and got a couple more applications installed on my new laptop.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Speech Recognition Software Installed
I had my appointment the doctor’s office today. The appointment was scheduled for eleven o’clock in the morning. I got to the office about 10 minutes early and filled out the paperwork that was needed. While I was in the office I saw a Sports Illustrated magazine. That cover have a picture of Grady Sizemore. He is a ten-six-seven. I’d had not noticed that until today. I started to read the article but then I got called back to the exam room.
I sat in the exam room for almost forty-five minutes. I was getting very upset while I was sitting there. I was about ready to leave when the doctor came into the room. He looked at my ankle and gave me a set of xrays. After I got the xrays taken the doctor went over the xrays with me. It was hard to tell if there was any damage. The bones appear to be okay but there could have been a problem we were not sure. I will have to get an MRI.
I got some doughnuts on the way to work and shared it with everyone in the office. The doughnuts one over very well. I worked with Ricky to get the business objects in the store procedures completed. I was in the office until after eight o’clock tonight. On my way home I called Ryan. Today is his twenty ninth birthday. It is hard to believe that it has been almost twelve years since I met Ryan. Ryan and I first met while living in Stephenson together. Over the years or friendship has grown closer and closer. Ryan is getting married next month and I’m going to be his best man and I’m very excited about that.
When I got home I grabbed some dinner and then started working on the speech recognition software for my laptop computer. I’m getting pretty good at the speech recognition software but it is a lot of work and definitely slower than typing the stuff out myself. For the most part it is doing a very good job but I have to speak a little slower and correct about one word per sentence on average. Over although it’s a pretty good experience and as I use it more I’m sure it will get better.
My goal is by using speech recognition there will be easier for me to get my longer posts inserted into the computer as I can talk through what happened versus having that I threw everything I might you’ll get more detail into what happened.
If an arresting so far I found certain words get abbreviated such as Dr. and vs. Also numbers get written and as numbers but anyone who reads my blog knows that I don’t use numbers I spell out every number.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Renton Old Timers Picnic
Some of them will be up this morning around ten o’clock in the morning. I decided text Jon to see if we were going to go to the Renton old timers’ picnic. He had not gone yet so him and I run a ride together. We met up at Ron Regis park and carpooled to Lions park from there.
Cost twenty five dollars for the entry fee. I covered the cost of food and drinks. They had hot dogs, barbecued spareribs, salmon, corn on the cob, a couple kegs of beer, and a case of whiskey. There was a horseshoe tournament that Terry and Jon were participating in. They only made it one round before they were knocked out by another team.
At noon everyone gathered around the main area where the American flag was presented. We were led by the oldest member of the Renton old timers’ and saying the pledge of allegiance. After the pledge, the president of the Renton old timers’ club and other executives members started draw ticket stubs for winners for the whiskey.
Anybody who won a bottle of whiskey would be cheered on to open up the bottle take a swig and pass it around. There were people of all ages people as young as in their twenties all way to people in their eighties. They went through twelve bottles of whiskey. I did not end up winning a bottle of whiskey although my number was one off. After the whisky was given out we went to get some food. I had a couple spareribs and I had already had a couple of hot dogs.
As soon as most people were done eating we all started lining up around the four-five-six table. I only had brought out sixty dollars with me. I did okay for a couple rounds and then it was my turn to be the banker. I risked all the money I had which was sixty dollars. I rolled a three. The first guy to my left had tapped me. He rolled a natural and beat me.
Jon asked me if I wanted to make a withdrawal from the bank of Jon. I told him know I did not and I watched him roll the dice for a while. Finally I did get some money and I played on the same table as Jon. I was winning money pretty well at this table. After a few minutes of playing I was able to pay back Jon the loan I had taken. We were at the party until about five-thirty.
We had consolidated the two different tables on to one. Jon was on fire, he could not lose a roll. As I watched join at the end of the night his stack of money was growing and growing and growing.
There was one younger guy there. He had blue eyes, and was a ten-six-seven. He seemed very nice and dressed well. Maybe next year I will get a chance to chat with him.
After we got back to Jon’s vehicle we spent some time counting his winnings. He had won over eighteen hundred dollars. A stack of dollars was almost an inch and a half thick.
I was very tired from not having a lot of sleep between last night and today. I still stayed up for several hours watching the Simpsons marathon before I went to bed.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Poker, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Ride Along with Joe
I was able to sleep in pretty well. When I got up I did some stuff on my computer for a while waiting until it was time to head to Bellingham. I took a small nap and then hit the road.
Traffic was light going up. I got up there and picked up Joe. We went to Apple Bees for dinner. We talked about Joe’s new phone and computers.
Then it was back to Joe’s. I played with Doug’s new kitties as Joe got ready. He came down stairs and played with the kitties. Then we hit the road. We started by going to the office where Joe did some paperwork. Then it was off to saving Whatcom county. It was a pretty quiet night for us.
We stopped by the dispatch center where I had a chance to see it and talk to Doug. I got some pop and they gave me a sticker that said Junior Deputy. I wore that for the rest of the night.
We ended up getting a drunk. While at the SO doing the processing of the drunk I noticed one of the jailers was ten-six-seven. I had seen him there before. There was also a Bellingham cop who was there and was also a ten-six-seven. That was really the majority of the night. We made a couple calls for service that were not too major. We went to one car accident that wasn’t much of one. A drunk ran off the road. Finally we found her and got her arrested. The State Patrol took that one.
After Joe’s drunk at the SO, he was going to have to do paperwork and it was near three in the morning so I decided to call it a night. Sort of a slow night, but it is fun to hang out with Joe. The drive home was uneventful as I stayed awake easily the whole way.
There have been times in the past where I was having a hard time staying awake.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Got my Lawn Mower Going
I have been needing to get my lawnmower set up for a long time. Since my last trip to Seattle when I bought it. I finally got it set up today. My lawn was already short, so I just ran it across the lawn and helped to cut it. I am going to have to do that probably twice a week and it will keep my grass nice and short.
Later in the evening I went to Dissmores to get some chew. While there I saw Brandon and Peter. Kevin, the ten-six-seven, was working. He pointed at me and said to a co-worker of his that was the guy who gave those bad beats. Peter invited me over to play some beerpong. I went home and got cleaned up then went to Peter and Brandon’s. I played one game of beerpong and then Peter, Brandon, and I sat around watching the end of WPT.
I went to Zeppoz to see Russell. Beren was also there. I talked to him about his house going up for a sale due to him not paying the mortgage, that is when I found out Denise was no longer dating him, or something like that, at the very least she moved out and that is what put him in a pinch.
I spoke with Russell only briefly, then I went home. I was up until around three-thirty in the morning when I finally went to bed.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Years of Being Crafty for Nothing
My day on Mercer Island Boat Patrol was cancelled for today so that meant I had a day off and I could do what I wanted. I decided I would work the jail. But I had some things to take care of in Pullman before I left to go to Colfax.
When I got to Colfax I went into Control. I ran control for about an hour before going to the Auditors office to get the tabs for my boat and trailer, but because I did not license them last year, if I were to do it today, I would have to pay for all of last year, plus this coming year. If I wait until the end of the month, then I will only have to pay for the next year. That made it a no-brainer.
I sold a phone card to a guy in Orange. Sgt Poffenroth came with me to make sure I could log into Swanson. She didn’t think I would be able to, but I was able to login just fine. So I got the phone card sold. We were heading up stairs to the staff office when she asked if I was the one who always put the backgrounds of the military aircraft. I laughed. I said I don’t even know what that one was. She said, you would probably put pictures of naked men. It because pretty clear she knew that I am gay. She could see me blushing, I could feel my face go flush.
Later I went to her office and asked how she knew. She said he has known for years. She figured it out on her own. She said pretty much every officer knows. I was shocked for sure. I knew that Tom knew, so that would increase the chances of others knowing. Captain came in and he confirmed they had known for years. Poff also was shocked that I didn’t know that they knew. Which is a sign that no one really cares at all. I told her how careful I always was with that information because I didn’t want people there to know.
Poff said a while back when Donna was trying to set me up with a girl over in the Treasurers office, that she had to tell Captain to let Donna know it would be a moot point trying to get me hooked up. Then Captain said that they knew I was dating the guy who worked at JTI. I knew they were talking about Thomas. That surprised me because he didn’t know who Thomas was, just that I was dating someone from JTI. But Thomas and I were only friends, we never dated. Then he said that we are in a small town. Just like Monte said to me a long time ago.
I let Captain know that Thomas and I were just friends. But we use to joke about living in SGC “South Gay Colfax”. He laughed. Poffenroth was cracking up over the fact that I was in the dark about them knowing about me for this whole time. One of my biggest fears was that they would treat me differently or that the inmates would find out. None of that has been the case.
Now I wonder who all actually knows and who doesn’t know. If they all know in the jail, do the people over at Colfax Fire know. No one at Colfax Fire has ever said anything to me. But it would be interesting if they have known for a long time too.
While working at the jail I got a text message about playing some poker tonight around eleven-thirty pm. I went to Peter’s to play. He had people who work with him at SEL over to play. Kevin, a ten-six-seven, from Dissmore’s was also there. Blue eyes and blonde hair and tall. Plus very nice. He was a good sight for the night. While there another ten-six-seven showed up. He was someone who was stopping by with some over people.
We played for hours and hours. In fact it was getting light out. Pretty soon the light coming in the window was actually casting shadows on the poker table. The game broke up around seven o’clock in the morning. When it was done I had lost a total of six bucks, and that was good considering I was all-in a couple times.
One of them I knew I was being beat. There were two Queens on the board. I had a King. There was one King on the board, so I had two pair and I knew Kevin had trips. We went to the river and I knew I needed a King, and a King hit giving Kevin and I a full-house, but mine was better. As it turned out one other guy who was in also had a King, so it turned out we had a one-outer. It came through.
Another time I was playing and had pocket-eights. All night long eights have been hitting. So I played them aggressively. I ended up going all in. Kevin again was playing against me. He had over-cards and got two of them on the flop. He was leading. The turn had nothing to help either of us. I was all-in and I needed to have an eight. I was dealing. I burned a card. Then I held the card over the spot where I needed to turn it over. I held on to it for a while because I did not want to see it. Then rapidly I flipped it over. It was an eight. I had won. Everyone was laughing. Someone said the way I did it reminded them of the movie Maverick.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Mo, Poker, Ten-Six-Seven, WCSO | Comment (0)Final Thunder Home Game of Ought-Seven
I allowed myself to sleep in today. It was nice, but I missed the autopsy it. I decided to get some work done on my garage. I moved everything from the one side near all the cabinets over to the other side. I also picked out a lot of things to get photos of and put onto Craigslist for give away.
Jerrid came over and we went to Lapwai for the Palouse Thunders’ last home game of the season. When I got there I decided to take my camera and go take photos of the guys working out on the field. One of them, Ten-six-seven, was doing a lot of kicks. I got a lot of photos trying to get a perfect one of him making the kick, but I was either too fast or slow on the button.
While working the booth, Jerrid and the others were up there. I made a comment about how Trevor Ball is always making big plays. I said I say his name every other time I talk. Then Jerrid made a comment about him being my boyfriend. From that point on they were all ribbing me about that.
When I would say Trevor Ball, they would all laugh which would make me laugh. Then one time they all knew it was coming, so they were really laughing before I got to say it. I had to turn off the mic before I even said anything.
After the game I told Jerrid I was leaving him down there for saying what he did about Ball. So I moved my truck and hid from him. When he finally went to the parking lot he could not see my truck. I went running to get into a position where he could not see me. My first step was into a small hole in the ground.
That caused me to fall. I did a full roll and got back up and continued to run. Jerrid called and I told him I was on the Lewiston Grade. Then I came around the corner. It was fun.
But it is funny how he was pretty close with the whole comment. I guess maybe I was obsessing.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Football, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Starting of Coed Softball Season
I went to help Chapman’s dad and their family with a computer problem. Chapman’s mom had died the other day and they could not get a computer to boot that she used. They wanted to see if there was anything on there that they needed to take care of. I was there for about two hours.
We had our first game today. We were playing Dental Pain. We had a good first inning batting around. Then in the fourth we went crazy and scored sixteen runs. We were up by so much I finally told everyone that we were going to go station-to-station meaning we were not going to run the bases aggressively.
For the last inning, Matt our shortstop, who totally reminds me of Brandon and is a big ten-six-seven, let me play shortstop. I said something to him and then went to tap him. I hit his stomach, and it was hard as a rock. Holy smokes! I had one play at shortstop and made it. That made me feel good.
After the game I met Pam to look at a place on NW Ventura. It has a wonderful view of the Palouse and sunsets. It has really small bedrooms however. I am going to look at a couple others on NW Ventura tomorrow.
I went to the fire station. While I was there talking with the guys doing their weekly rig checks a fire alarm came out. Within about one minute of that call a second call for a structure fire come out. Chapman came down. We took Engine Thirty-One to the scene. But it turned into nothing. While we were getting ready to clear an EMS call came out. We drove to the scene and were first there.
It turned out that Loren from the WSU football team saw this lady in need of help, helped her out and called for us. When that call was done we went back to the station and that was all for that.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)CPR Class at Station One
It has been a little while since I did a class at the station. I had only eight people show up because of cancellations and sicknesses. It turned out to be a good group of students. One guy was ten-six-seven. We talked after the class for a tiny bit. Turns out he is going to become an Eastside Fire and Rescue volunteer. He said that he had been on ride-alongs with Pullman. But he is leaving school so he did not try to sign up for the reserve program, though he had thought about it.
When the class was done and I got everything cleaned up I had to get home pretty quickly because I had to be up early for my first-aid class tomorrow morning, but I also had to get some more work on the class for ventilation that I am doing in the evening.
I have been very busy most of today working on the class material for ventilation or doing the teaching of CPR.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Magic Show in Todd Aud
This morning was my radio show. Daniel from the College Republicans. They did a demonstration on the CUB Mall about having English as the official language of America. We talked about it for over an hour. I finally figured out what was going on with the telephone not working correctly. I figured out that there is a button on the Mic slider where I have to turn on the Tel button. It was a good conversation.
After the radio show I went home and waited until it was time to go to the Magic Show in Todd Aud. It was Brian Bushwood. He is a younger guy and he had an assistant who was a big time ten-six-seven. After the show was done I went up and talked to both of them. I also got them added to MySpace.
During the radio show Bushwood showed some tricks about how you can win at different events. He was doing one for Simon Says. When I was one of the guys who was still in play, he said for everyone to come to the stage to continue the game. I didn’t want to go to the stage so I just stood there. Everyone else went walking up there. Then he said “Simon did not say”. I sort of laughed because the only reason I did not go up there was because I didn’t want to go up there at all.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Radio Show, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)A Full Schedule
After getting to bed so late I was not awake until just after ten o’clock. I was supposed to have a flooring estimate. But either the guy did not show up, or he rang the doorbell and left. Either way he did not leave a card nor call me up.
I spoke to Nick about softball. It turns out his team did not get created so he will be playing on my team and bring a guy along with him. That is good news for us. Neither of the two guys from the free agent I e-mailed about playing on the team got back to me.
I was supposed to have a managers meeting today for the team I also had plans to do drive time with the guys. So I got someone else to do the managers meeting. I got together with Tyson, Andrew, and Morgan. We did a lot of stuff with driving around the cones and practiced doing some of the things they would have to do in the cone course.
I also hit the WSU Surplus auction today. I saw Kelly and Matt there. Matt is the one who reminds me of Brandon. He is a ten-six-seven and a very nice guy. He plays shortstop and does a very good job at it. They were getting pants for the softball team. They had a lot of old WSU baseball pants. They all got some and Kelly told me to get some if I was going to play in some of their tournaments. I picked up some pants and socks. There were some file cabinets but I did not get one. They are going to be expensive, but they are better and cheaper than those at Office Depot and Staples.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Purchasing a Poker Table
Tyson and I were supposed to work an event at Beasley. When we got up there I was starting to think there was a mistake. Sure enough someone saw us and said she thought the event was in Bryan Aud. We loaded our equipment in the mini-van and drove over to Bryan. When we got inside we talked to the performers. They directed us to the person in charge of everything. That is when we found out they we were not even needed at the event. Tyson and I fueled the rig and called it a night.
Mike brought over the poker table and the folding chairs. I decided that I was going to buy it from him. He has a nice table and with the folding chairs I will have enough chair to fit more than ten people for poker games.
Mike invited me to go out to Rico’s with them. It was a good night out on the town. Andy and Mike were there. We played a lot of pool. There was a ten-six-seven who had a perfect square for a soul patch. It was well trimmed and the dark hair make it stand out. I spent some time looking that way. Then another ten-six-seven came in and was a friend of Mike’s. He played some pool with us.
We left around midnight and I went to Russells. A group of people were there and we played Apples to Apples and had some pie. I won the first game of Apples to Apples when we could argue for our decisions. Then one girl who I had not met before was complaining that it was no fun to debate whose card was the best. She just wanted people to lay the cards down and have it chosen without any reasoning.
It was fun to play that way, but I thought it was funny that she seemed mad that we had to debate points.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Poker, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Poker at Diamond Lil’s
Today would have been my Dad’s Sixty-Eighth birthday.
I have been wanting to get back to Diamond Lil’s for a while. I finally decided tonight I would head down there. When I arrived it was pretty busy. I had to wait for a while to get a seat. Finally when I did I was playing my game. Very tight. I was doing well, infact I had more than doubled my buy-in.
Then my name was called to move up to the higher limit tables. That table was not as nice to me. I called a couple hands and I was not doing very well. I was down to my last forty bucks. I got pocket nines. The flop was an Ace-Four-Four. The turn was a Four. Someone got me all in. I went ahead and called. I realized my only hope was a nine hitting, because the others were playing with an Ace. A nine hit on the river giving me a better full-house than everyone else at the table. That put me back into the game, but I was down from my starting point of coming to that table.
While I was sitting there a ten-six-seven was seated at the table. When I first saw him I was thinking he was younger and dressed a little like he was a G. Then when he sat at our table I was able to get a better look. I loved his haircut. It is very short. I don’t know what it is about guys and long hair. It looks horrible. I have seen some guys who I thought were butt-ugly get a good haircut and all of a sudden they were actually very good looking.
So after seeing his widows peak and his hands and arms I could see he was a little older than I thought. Now I put him around his mid-to upper-twenties. His fingernails were very nicely trimmed, almost look manicured. He didn’t have the blonde hair that makes everything so much better, but it was a nice light brown. Gave me something to stare at when I was not playing a hand.
Finally a little after midnight I decided to cut my losses and leave. I walked out of there only down fourteen bucks on the night. Not too back for going all-in at one point.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Poker, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Good night at Diamons Lil’s
I worked on my bugs and got a lot of them retired. Ricky, Noah, and I went to QDoba for lunch. After we were done I had some time to get my database updated. Then we had our meeting. I was telling them about my problem with the GFE and Shawn told me that he made some changes and that I needed to update some stuff and I would be good to go. I did those updates and got the remaining bugs fixed. Then I worked on finishing off Shawn’s bugs. I got those done as well.
I went home after spending some time talking to Ricky about the future of the company as well as the upcoming product we are going to start to build soon.
After dinner I spent time watching TV with the family. I had planned on staying up late because I am getting ready for the ride along with Joe. Joe was online and we chatted for a while. He said that he wants me to start to work for his company again. He wants to pay me five bucks a month now. I went to Diamond Lil’s a little bit after midnight.
I got some cash and found a seat at a four-eight table. My name was on the list for a eight-sixteen table. I had lost some money at four-eight early on. But I won a couple good pots and I was back near even.
Then when I went to the eight-sixteen table I bought in for more money because I wanted to be able to compete. I was playing tight after the flop but loose before the flop. One guy at the table was kicking butt. He was playing really loose and always betting. He won pot after pot after pot. He was up around eight-hundred bucks at one point.
A couple ten-six-sevens came in. I recognized one of them from playing there before. He was ripped and very fit. He started by playing at a different table. Then he moved to my table. When he was coming to my table I could not take my eyes off him. Then I looked down and realized that everyone was watching for me to do my action. Oops! Oh well I spent the rest of the time playing cards and watching his arms flex and show off his muscle as he moved.
I won a couple nice pots after being on the ropes at one point. I was getting some good start cards but the flop was bad. But sometimes it would be a good flop for me. At one point I had pocket fives. I was going to fold. I ended up staying. The flop was all cards under nine. With how loose people were I played. And on the river I caught a five and busted a guy who had jacks.
I finally left after three-thirty. I was up two-hundred-twenty-two bucks. It was a good night for me.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Poker, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Poker Night in Colfax
Russell came over to my place and helped me remove hard drive from some of the computers I was giving away. I found though that there were four computers in the garage I am not getting rid of at this point. So I will have six computer cases sitting around unless I take some time to go through them and get rid of them. I think I will have to do that, but I don’t have the time any time soon. I need to make a list of things I want to get done and put them in order by priority.
After we were done with the computer we went to Moscow. First to Walmart followed by Office Depot, then to Hastings. We looked at the selection of gay magazines. Then we went to the mall. Starting by going to Macy’s and then down to the bed and bath place. That is probably the most gay place to be in the mall. Perfect for us I suppose.
When we walked inside there was a ten-six-seven working. I spent some time trying to figure out if he was family or not. After watching him and his actions I started to think that, plus the fact he chose to work there. At one point when I talked to him it was pretty clear he was family. I was looking at getting some oils that when heated give off a pleasant odor. I chose not to when I saw the prices for everything.
We left there and I took Russell back to my place so he could get to sleep so he could work.
I got ready to hit Colfax for some poker. I got someone to cover for me at the fire department. We played a dealers choice game down there. Jim, Connie, Scott, Carl, Kathy, and I were there for several hours playing poker. I ended up losing some. Connie, the newbie, and Kathy did okay. I think Jim won some money as well.
I was down there until nearly one in the morning when the game finally broke up. I my way back to Pullman I called Whitcom to let them know I was on call for the coroner. I also asked to talk to Jamie.
I had thought of a joke that only certain people could really understand. It went like this:
Did you hear Saddam was executed? (The other person will usually make some sort of comment whether it is sarcastic or just affirming that they had heard.)
I guess he was given three options for method. Hanging, firing squad, or driving on One-Ninety-Five.
Today was a good day. It was enjoyable to go out with Russell and walk around some stores as well as playing some poker with my friends from Colfax Fire.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire, Mo, Poker, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Boat Patrol Training
This morning we started out with boat training. We were working on the Jason’s Cradle and other items that we may need to use. Dearth, as well as a couple of the other new guys, a two cops, and two new Mercer Island firefighters were all there. The firefighters were ten-six-sevens. One of them had a brother at WSU. He had come over here for the Apple Cup.
The equipment was pretty cool. The Jason’s Cradle was really neat in its operation. It is used to get people out of the water, and you don’t have to get into the water to get them out. It doesn’t matter if they are conscious or not.
We were on the water for about three hours doing the training. When it was done I went back to the office. I was there getting the bugs fixed and completed. I was able to get one done that had been causing me troubles for a while. But when I got it fixed I was thinking about how easy it was. I just had to get on the right track.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Marine Patrol, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)