Beat The Boys at Tecmo Bowl

November 8th, 2008

After getting off work this morning I had to make my way to Colfax for reserve training. At lunch we went to the sheriff’s office and did our sit ups and push ups. Then it was off to the track at the high school.

We had to run the mile-and-a-half. I ran it with Jessie and I made sure we kept pace so she could pass it. We did it right in the nick of time. It was great that she got it passed.

After the run we went to lunch. We hit Zips again. I am going to suggest some other place for lunch next week. After lunch we went back to class. Waltz was teaching traffic stuff. I think he was surprised to see me in the class acting as class president.

After class I went home. I had some dinner with Jon and the boys. Then we sat around and talked. I rough housed with the boys and then went on to play them in Tecmo Bowl. I beat each of them. I was starting to feel a little sick to my stomach and wanted to get to bed. Plus I was getting tired. I had to be at work in the morning and I wanted to be rested.

Worked An Event

November 2nd, 2008

I did some studying of the stuff for the reserve academy with Jessie. She came over and we went over a lot of the slides as well as the objectives of learning to see how well we knew everything.

We did our studying until around four. Then I had to head off to the fire department to get ready to work a basketball game for Beasley. The women’s team was playing an exhibition game against a team from Australia. The other team had high school students on it. Our women’s did well and beat them.

During the game I spent a lot of time reading and studying for my reserve academy.


November 1st, 2008

After only two and a half hours of sleep I got woken up by back to back calls on campus. We ended up transporting both. I was lucky that we were starting class an hour late. So after the calls I went to Colfax for training.

I spent some time studying. Then our instructor got there. He tore into us a whole lot more. As a class we are getting into trouble over what a couple people in class are doing. If this continues I think it will be time for some of us students step up and have a chat with the people not pulling their weight. I really don’t enjoy getting yelled at by the instructors over someone else.

We did a re-take of the written test from the other day. Everyone seemed to do better on it. I know I improved my third-best score to something even better. The class covered search. I was really tired and as the class was coming to a close I was really having a hard time staying awake.

When I got home I stayed up for several more hours because I wasn’t all that tired anymore. Plus I didn’t want to go to sleep at eight o’clock at night. That would throw my sleep patter totally off.

Crushed with Calls

October 31st, 2008

I got my third swim in this week this morning. I swam five-hundred-and-fifty yards. That is a eleven laps total in about twenty minutes. So I had a fair amount of rest through out my time swimming.

Today at the fire department my plan was to work on my reserve academy studying and case law reports after five o’clock. During the day we did some hydrants and got one inspection review completed. We also had the day interupted by some calls. But it wasn’t until later when we would be running hard.

I started to work on my reserve work when it was five o’clock. But then I was getting interrupted by calls and dinner. I needed to go through three cases as well as cover all my notes. Due to how bad some people did on the test, they were re-administering it to everyone. So those of us who did well need to do even better. We also had three cases to do.

That was taking me hours to read through the case and work on the write up. That is partly due to the calls we were getting. The first one came out at eight o’clock PM. Then it just rolled. We were getting back to the station and then getting called out again. It took place like that all night long.

The only sleep I got was from three-thirty until six in the morning. We ran a total of thirteen calls on the day. I also had to stay up a little bit trying to study. I knew that I would be hating life tomorrow due to my lack of sleep tonight.

Brief Test Not So Well

October 30th, 2008

I did my teaching for the fire department. I got down there a little early to set up class. I got my information gathered. Then they started to arrive. I went through the whole process of filling out the timecards and time logs. It was well.

I high tailed it down to Colfax for my training there. I was missing the stuff of Miranda warnings. I sat in on the remainder of that class and then asked some questions.

All of a sudden I realized that we had a test and I had not fully studied. So I took five minutes to review the notes. Not nearly enough time in order to do awesome on the test.

It was worth eighty points. I actually did well, scoring the third best grade in the class. I was in the mid-eighties percentage-wise. There were other people who did really bad.

I got to questions I did not remember the full answer to, but I thought through it and I was able to come up with a lot of answers or partial answers.

But when the test was done and we graded them, it was clear some people did poorly. The instructors tore into the whole class about it. I think they may have lit a fire under some of these people. There were some who were not taking things seriously and they were not getting the work done. I hope this is the turning point.

My New Washing Machine

October 28th, 2008

After getting off work this morning at the fire department I used my new washer to start to wash some of my clothing now that I have a washing machine. It was pretty neat to have that. I like it. It is the front loading style.

Tonight at reserve training we went over frisking and arrest factors. We were told that we need to memorize the frisk factors and the misdemeanor exceptions for arrest. We would be tested on it during the next class period.

Make Up of the Body

October 25th, 2008

This morning I went to Colfax. I got some breakfast and some donuts for the class. I dropped off my paperwork at the Coroner’s office. I went over to the public service building and helped set up the classroom for the class today.

We are doing criminal procedures. Around noon we broke fro lunch. We went down to Rosauers for hamburgers. Then it was back to class. It was a short day overall. We were done around four o’clock.

I went to the rec center to do some running. While running on the track I looked down on the basketball court. There is always a full-court shirts vs skins basketball game going. Last night, however, was a guy who had nearly perfect abs. It was incredible. What was funny was there was another guy who was standing near him.

Both were white guys with blonde hair. Nearly the same height and both were skinny. But the difference was one guy had great definition in all his back and well as frontal muscles. The other guy was just skinny. I guess being skinny is not enough. I would like to keep working on it and get to the point where my arms and legs have nice muscle definition. I would also like to be much more skinny than I am. I wish I could see how someone like that lives for a week and get an idea of things I can do differently to become better off.

Evidence Collecting

October 23rd, 2008

I tried to get going on stuff from work, but the server was down that I needed so I was unable to get anything going, that was very bad. I wasn’t to get a jump on what I needed to get done with the spec.

I had to get down to Colfax early for the Coroner’s meeting. We were meeting at four o’clock, but I got a call from Pete moving it back to five. That was okay by me. I got my uniform on and headed down to Colfax. The meeting went well.

I was able to ask Pete about a person who died that I had dealt with on an EMS call. I wanted to understand what happened in that situation, because the person didn’t seem too bad off when I saw them.

Then it was off to the academy class. We started with a run. Today we did about a mile and a half plus all the push ups along the way. We also ended up having to do eighty sit ups after the run was done. So we had a pretty good workout.

The class was on evidence packaging. Everyone was given an item and materials in order to package and label evidence correctly.

Getting Errands Completed

October 21st, 2008

I had a lot of appointments set up for today. I had to do a post-exposure meeting. I got poked with a needle. It wasn’t very bad, but I wanted to make sure I followed all the precautions.

I also had the washing machine looked at today. It is having some problems. What I found out was that it is not something that can be repaired without a fair amount of money. It is at the point it would be better off for me to buy a new one. The one I have is pretty old. Now I can get a front loader, which is what I wanted anyway.

I had to make a bank run to deposit money as well as get some cash for the dinners. I went to the rec center to get my workout completed. The back thing was that I wasn’t able to do it yesterday at work.

I went to my training in Colfax. We were doing evidence law. The class was pretty quick over all. We went to the SO and looked at the evidence lockers and that was about it.

I went to Colfax Fire when the class was done. They were just getting done with training. Jessie was with me for a while. I got to talking with Carl, Jim, and Tim. We were joking around and having fun.

Study Group

October 19th, 2008

It has been a lot of years since I have participated in a study group like today, but several guys came over and we worked on our study guide. I got a fair amount of it done before people came over and the rest of it while they were here.

Then we went to the SO and met up with a couple others. Some of the deputies also helped us out answering questions and running questions by us. It was a good study period.

The first test is on Tuesday. I feel a little behind because I missed class on Saturday and that is eight hours worth of learning. So I am a little behind. But I have found that my previous experience is also starting to come back a little bit.

Worked for NU

October 17th, 2008

It has been a while since this last happened, but I got some work done for NU. I have a new spec that I have to work on. It is a big one. Plus I have a couple small ones to work on. I have until the end of the year. I am going to have to work hard over the next couple months because I have to overcome the short comings of our system as well as try to do development. This will be very difficult. But I let them know that.

My washing machine went down. I took my final load of laundry to the laundry mat and did it there. I spent the time that I was there going over my study guide for the academy. I was able to get through a lot of the questions that I had on my the guide.

I went to workout afterwards. I had to do a lower body workout. I was able to pound it out in about twenty minutes because of the exercises I chose. But I also shot hoops for a bit.

I am going out with Matt tonight. We decided we would go out and have a drink. He had a big week of midterms. We talked about his recent test for WSUPD as well as my new position with the Sheriff’s office.

We started at My Office. I had some pop and we both had some dinner. After My Office we went to Rico’s. We played several games of pool, but I won them all. I had some water while we were there. After Rico’s he headed out and I met up with Hanna, Jessie, Warren, Erik, and a couple others from the softball team. We were at Thai Ginger. I hung out there for about thirty minutes. I wanted to get home so I could get to bed because I needed to be up a little extra early for cooking breakfast at the fire department for the football game for tomorrow.

Coroner Work All Day

October 16th, 2008

I needed to get to the rec center and get my upper body workout from yesterday, but I got a call from Pete about an autopsy for the case that I missed part of from this weekend. I went to the funeral home to watch and learn from the autopsy.

After the autopsy I went to the rec center. I got my work out completed in about an hour. I shot some hoops. Then I went home. En route home I heard some radio traffic over Pullman’s frequency. They were talking about stuff that made me believe there was a death.

Sure enough within about ten minutes of getting home I was called to a place in Pullman. So I had a coroner’s case to deal with. That took some time to get there and go through everything.

I got home to complete the report and I didn’t have any time to get any studying done for the academy. That is bad because it put me a day behind where I wanted to be.

I got down to Colfax. The Sheriff was there and ran us the same path that we ran the other day. We ended up getting one-hundred and seventy push ups today plus our mile run and some sit ups. With my upper body workout the push ups were a little on the hard side.

When class was done I got home and started some laundry and worked on my criminal law study guide.

Boringly Normal

October 15th, 2008

This morning I was a little slow moving around, the after effect of the tequila was hitting me a bit. No headaches, but I just felt a little off. I had an appointment with the psychologist for the SO. I was going to get my results back and he was going to speak with me about any questions he had. If I pass this I will be good to go for completing the academy.

While in with the doctor I was being questions about some of the things that I wrote on my background packet. It was a packet that asked tons of questions about my history, my family, my upbringing, sexual history and more. I wrote that I chose not to enter the sexual questions. Something about putting some of that information on paper did not appeal to me. He said that was quite alright I did that. He didn’t asked anything more about that.

He then pulled out my test results. He pointed at one line. He said that all my points should be below it. Then it pointed at a second line and said that anything above it is reason for worry. I was not above any of the lines. He said my results show that I am “Boringly Normal”. He said coming from a psychologist that is a compliment. He congratulated me and said I should do just fine being a cop.

Today is the final game of the Ought-Eight softball season for me. The season started back on March Thirtieth. It snowed and I was having troubles hitting the ball. Tonight I hit a triple in my first at-bat. I had two at bats tonight and two hits. It was good. I walked off the field and tipped my hat to the rest of the team and thanked them for a good time. We ended up winning the game.

After the game most of the people on the co-ed team went to the Garden for some drinks. I opted to not drink, but I did drink water. I told BKoe that I was having Blue Dolphins. Which is a fancy way of saying water.

We were at the Garden for a couple hours talking softball and having a good time hanging out. By this time I was actually feeling good with no more effects of my tequila night.

Enough with the Tequila

October 14th, 2008

I had my training for the SO today. We were covering more criminal law stuff. The class has been going along swimmingly. A lot of it is stuff I knew at one time so I am not learning anything new, but it has been more than a decade since I studied it. So in someways I am learning it like it was new.

After class I went home and BKoe was getting ready to head to the Zuu. Kevin and Peter were already up there. I first ordered a pop. I got a pitcher of pop and a straw was put in it for me. So I just drank from there. Later on BKoe was saying that he drove so I could drink if I wanted. I had no plans on doing so, but then it happened. I ordered a tequila. Not just one, I ordered three.

I drank them down, shooting them one after another. A girl next to me looked on in amazement as I downed the final one without making a single facial expression. I went back to the table and told them I just had three tequilas. They did not believe so I was challenged to do it again. I went to the bar with Peter and got three more tequilas. I downed those just like the first ones.

Peter and I sang a song that I picked out from the book. We ended up doing One-Million Dollars by the Barenaked Ladies. Following that I got three more tequilas. I downed those are the bar. I quickly ordered three more. I took those back to the table. I did those in front of everyone. I had two-and-a-half beers as a chaser. I was gone, very gone. As I was walking out of the bar the bartender made sure I had a ride home. I did.

I went to the parking lot where BKoe car was. I was having a bit of a hard time standing up straight. I think it was hitting him pretty hard. BKoe gave me a ride home, but I really don’t remember much of the ride home.

Criminal Law

October 11th, 2008

Today’s class was criminal law. This will be the subject over the next several classes. At first there was not a lot of discussion, but as we went through the class people started to talk more and got more discussions. We were done by around five o’clock.

I went back to Pullman. I started to work on my homework. It is a one-hundred and seventy-nine question workbook for criminal law stuff. The questions are full over very long answers. Very few fill in the blank.

I decided that I would go to Cougar Country for dinner making today my free day. I already had more than I should have for lunch. I talked with Rhonda while I was there and she congratulated me for getting on the reserves.

I was going to watch a TV show, but I fell asleep around eleven o’clock. Then about two in the morning I got a call from the hospital asking if I could do a transfer for Avalon. But I wasn’t able to because I was on duty for the coroner.

I found there were some missed calls on my phone and a couple messages. I found that there was a case that came in around midnight, but I never heard my phone. I was two hours late to the show. So I called Whitcom and then went to Colfax because I figured at the least I would meet up with Pete.

That is what happened at the funeral home. I explained to him what had happened. Then I followed the funeral home back to the Pullman funeral home to do some a couple of the things that we normally do at the funeral home.

I didn’t get home until around four in the morning.

A Nice Little Run with the Sheriff

October 9th, 2008

I worked the ambulance today. We were doing hydrants for the afternoon when we got dispatched on a confirmed structure fire in the CUB. When we got there it was out, but there was water damage we dealt with. I also had to get to Colfax for training. On our way back to the station from this call we got toned out to Palouse. But the captain send a second ambulance because I had to get going.

We got back to the station and I headed to Colfax. It started with the Sheriff lining us up. He questioned us about different things that we went over on the first day. Anything we didn’t get correct we had to do push ups. After doing over fifty push ups we went on a run outside. The run outside included three stops along the way to do push ups. The run wasn’t too bad, but I was a little tired at times.

When that was done we had the chaplain talking to us about his side of things and what he does and how he helps. The class was done quickly that night and I was able to get back to the station at an early hour.

Back In the Academy

October 7th, 2008

After almost fourteen years I am back in the Whitman County Sheriff’s Reserves. I am excited about the whole thing, but I also found that the class was going to take nearly five months and not ten weeks like I was expecting. So I am going to have to work to get more time off from the fire department that I thought I would have to do. I am worried about that.

The first day of class I got a chance to meet up with some of the other students. We had the Sheriff tell us about ethics and what he expects from us. It was mainly a day of introductions and laying some of the groundwork of the academy. I am excited for the academy to get over with so I don’t have to worry about getting days off from work and then I can go out on the road and work on becoming First-Class solo patrol.

I got out my old belt and put it on. I found that it was loose on me. I may have to buy a new belt. Looking back I weighed more when I first got into the academy my first time through than I weigh now. It is weird because I just assumed that I would be bigger now than then when I was twenty-one. But that was not the case.

Working Hard at Jail

October 3rd, 2008

After getting off work at the fire station I decided I would go to Colfax and work at the jail. I had my fire pager with me but Colfax didn’t have any calls while I was there. It was a busy day in the jail as normal. I helped do some rounds, a booking, and run the control room. I worked there from around eleven to six in the evening. I was getting ready to go get some dinner.

I was at Main street and saw Carl drive by. Went I went by the fire station I saw Ken’s truck. I decided to swing by and see Ken. They were going to work the Colfax High football game. I was asked if I wanted to come. I said I did. I grabbed my turnout coat and went to the game.

Colfax dominated the game. It didn’t even look like a game until Colfax put many of their freshmen into the game. I saw several people from Colfax Police and McNanny from the SO there. We talked briefly about the upcoming academy.

When the game was done I went to Ken’s to get his computer for me to work on. I am going to scrub it and reinstall everything for him. I got home and pretty much went to bed. I had to get up early tomorrow to stop by the Deuce to work on their photoboard.

The Boys are Back

September 26th, 2008

This morning I went to my appointment for the psychological analysis that I need to get have for the reserve deputy position at the Sheriff’s Office. That appointment took nearly two hours doing all sorts of various tests.

When the tests were done I went home and got some stuff taken care of there before Bien was going to get into town. Heston called me and said he was planning on going to My Office an hour earlier than the scheduled time in order to have some dinner and meet up with Bien. I went down even earlier in order to save a table. It took a while for people to show up.

Heston and a girl who he knows from softball were there. We sat around watching some baseball and talking about things. We were waiting for the others to start to show up. Dearth was coming as well as Bien and Tyson. We also had Parrish, Williams, A. Wilcox, Yean, and Togiai all were going to come down. As people arrived we greeted each other and started to share drinks and conversation.

We also started to get photos of the different groups of reserves. After a while when A. Wilcox wasn’t there Parrish called and reminded him about it. He came down and we got a photo with him in it as well.

The Spring class

The Spring and Fall class

It wasn’t long after he got there that we headed up to campus to go to the bars up there. Dearth and Tyson headed to Dearth’s old frat. A. Wilcox, Bien, the girls, and I walked down to Mike’s.

On the way I asked A. Wilcox if we were good. He said we are. He was relieved that I asked that. He felt we were good the whole time but he didn’t talk to me because he thought I wasn’t good with everything. He said he felt bad because the other day I was working at the station and we were sitting next to each other on the computer and he wanted to chat with me but he thought it would make me uncomfortable.

He said that he really respects my moral values and my work knowledge. He said he has learned a lot from me. He said he always would look for me when we were doing some sort of training at the station to say hi to me in the past. He didn’t want that to end. I still cannot look him in the eyes. But we talked for a while and holds no hard feelings at all.

He knew some of the bouncers and got us downstairs without having to stand in line. Bien got something to drink. We talked and hung out. I told Bien that I wanted to tell him how sorry I was over something that had happened. He didn’t even remember it, but I told him that it was probably the worst I felt I have ever done as a crew leader. I felt I had been out of line. I told him I thought that since that happened we were not as close as we had been. I also told him I had great respect for him and that he was always my right-hand man on the shift. It was good to get that off my chest and that I needed to let him know how bad I felt.

Bien started to get out on the dance floor and he was dancing with some of the girls down there. We stayed at the bar until closing time. Then we walked back to my house from Mike’s. He stayed the night and we went to bed around three o’clock in the morning.

Long OT Shift

September 22nd, 2008

After I got off work this morning I went to Colfax. I had to touch base with Hamilton about my background. I found out if I can get Mercer Island to release my polygraph results I will not have to drive to Spokane to do it again. I called over there to find out if they could do that. I also spoke to my doctor about the physical. I should be getting that in writing so I will not have to do a second physical in two weeks.

After that was all done I was going to go work out. My plan was to wait until around three. But I was out and about. I figured if I went around noon I could get it done and that way I wouldn’t miss it for some reason. It was good I did.

I got the work out completed. I had been shooting hoops when I got a phone call from the chief. He needed someone to work an overtime shift at the Deuce. I was higher on the list and I picked it up. It turned out to be just over eighteen hours of overtime. That is nice to pick up.

We had a couple calls through out the night. Nothing real major. There was a two-inch gas line that was damaged during some construction. Gas was leaking. We stood by for until Avista got it taken care of.

Later in the evening we watched Three-Hundred and we also got one more call for a fire alarm. It was a pretty uneventful night over all.

I Did It!!!

September 20th, 2008

This morning I got up and got some breakfast before I had to get ready to run my test for the SO. I was very worried about passing the run. I haven’t been able to do it.

We started with push ups and sit ups. I knew I could do those. I did those just fine. Then we went to the track to run the laps. I have been working on this for a while. I had to run a mile and a half in under fourteen and a half minutes. That is a lot of time for most people, but I have to push hard for that and I always come up short. The last time I ran it I was more than one minute off.

I lined up and got ready to run. Myers said he would hold a pace that as long as we stayed ahead of him we would do fine. I started out and quickly was leading the pack. I didn’t want to, but I had to set a good pace early on. After the first hundred yards my legs were feeling weak. I was very worried about passing it.

My first lap was under two minutes. My target time is a two minute lap. I was ten seconds ahead of pace on it. I figured after the third lap, the half way point, I would grab the water I set by the track to rinse my mouth. One of the problems I run into is my mouth goes dry and it hurts to breathe.

I actually waited until the fourth lap however. I grabbed my water and away I went. I rinsed my mouth twice along the way. That helped. I was able to get into a pace that I just got into a zone with. I had a breathing pattern and just kept it going. Finally I was at my final lap.

I was rounding the one hundred yard point into the final lap. I only had three-quarters of the lap to go. I saw I had time to do it if I pushed hard. I told myself that if I pushed hard I wouldn’t have to do that run again anytime soon. Myers said if we failed anything today we would have two weeks to get ready to run it again. I didn’t want to have to run it again. I pushed and pushed. Soon I was in the final stretch. I could see the finish line.

I crossed the finish line in thirteen minutes and fifty-eight seconds. That was so huge. I passed the test. It felt great. I finally did it. We had some rest, then we had to run a sprint. That was seventy-one seconds for three-hundred and thirty yards. I knew I could do that without a problem.

I ran into a problem in the first corner. My shoe came untied. Then my other shoe came untied. So I was being careful not to trip myself. I crossed at seventy seconds. I got it by one second. I have passed the physical.

We had a written test and then a quick interview. Both of those went fine. McNannay said he was happy to see me in the academy again. I am going to have to work on getting the time off of work now.

Got a Yard Stick

August 22nd, 2008

I went to the jail to help out because they were only going to have two people there. I worked and did what I could to help out. They were testing for the list. Some of the people were coming in to be printed. I fingerprinted one of the people. Sgt asked me to create a schedule where we would have twelve hour shifts. That really won’t work, but I was able to make one with ten hour shifts for swings and graves.

I went to the fire station to get ready to do the Lentil Festival. I got a sandwich board set up with flyer’s for the reserve program. We were showing off the engine to people as they came by.

I took a walk around the area and I was able to pick up a couple things including a yo-yo and a free light bulb. Got some chili and a couple other freebies. I saw some people with yard sticks. I went to find where they were. When I found the booth with them they were out. They had just given the last one away. I was crushed.

Then someone walked up to us and said “there was a fireman looking for a yard stick”. I said I was. She then gave me one of the two she had. That was very nice.

Cooper Test with the SO

August 21st, 2008

I went to work in the jail today and the plan was to run the Cooper Test with the SWAT team. It is a chance for me to see where I am at. I got to the jail and the captain asked if I would be willing to come in on Friday as they are going to be slammed with only two people on. At first I said I couldn’t then I was able to juggle some stuff around and I said I would do it.

I did my normal jail stuff until around four. Then I went downstairs to meet up with the SWAT guys. I brought stuff to run in, but I didn’t have shoes so I had to run in my boots. That sucked. We did the run. I missed it by about 15 seconds again. That really sucked. I had a good pace for the first half of it, but when we hit the turn for the second half I started to lose my pace.

I did the sit ups and push ups really well and passed those tests. The guys said I did a good job and they know I can pass the test. Other than some of the people at the SO and jail as well as Misty at WSUPD I haven’t told anyone that I am trying to do this.

I haven’t had the police bone in my body for a while, but I think it is back. I want to become a reserve if I am able to swing it with my Pullman Fire schedule. If I didn’t have the temporary job I would be good to go, but this could be troublesome getting the time off that is necessary. I was mad that I wasn’t able to pass the test because now I will have to run it again, and I need to make sure I pass it. I am going to have to figure out a way to have water with me so I can get rid of the cotton mouth that I get as I am nearing the end. That is one of the big things that is killing me at the end.

Nearly Passed It

July 27th, 2008

I went to the rec center to test myself on the cooper test. I dd my best on the sprint and pushups. I did the minimum on the sit up. Then it was off to the mile and a half run. I didn’t pass it, but I was only seventeen seconds off. I also did a short walk and stopped for water. Without those two interruptions I think I would have passed the test. So I know I am there.

I went home to clean up. I went to the golf course and spent about an hour chatting with Matt. I planned on getting Hang ‘Em High to finish watching it. I was going to invite Matt if he was interested.

I went to the video store and bought some movies, but they didn’t have it. So I went to Video Quest and found Hang ’em High. I rented it. I got some pizza from Pizza Hut. I got a cyclone from Cougar Country.

I had pizza and watched Hang ’em High. I wasn’t all the keen on the ended, but I had to watch it because I didn’t get to see it yesterday.

Double Header

July 2nd, 2008

I did my first workout for the physical agility test for the SO. I need to shave time off the mile and a half run. I need to shave about one minute. I also need to add more situps. The pushups and the sprint I am doing okay. I have about one month in which to get up to where I need to be.

We had a double header in softball today. Some of the guys were giving me a hard time about the fact that I have a moustache. Someone was saying we haven’t won since I started to grow it. I said it wasn’t true, but if we were to lose both games I would shave it off.

I started pitching, but I was struggling and I had Jake come in and pitch for me. I didn’t do well hitting in the first game either. I went oh-for. We had a small lead, but ended up giving up six runs in the sixth inning which allowed them to take the lead. That just sucked.

The second game I started to hit better. I went three for three with a triple. Jake also got me to pitch the final two innings of the game. I went through those two innings without much for problems. We had an early lead and never gave that one up. So we split the double-header and my moustache stays.

Full Day in Jail

July 1st, 2008

I worked in the jail today. I saw Myers about something that he needed done. It was some printing stuff. Plus I talked to him about being a Reserve. He said I needed to fill out an application. Then I would go through the testing. If I made it the academy would start in September and go for a couple months. They are condensing the academy as much as possible. I am going to have to train for the physical agility test.

While working I had a couple guys working on doing the floors, windows, and doors. It was in need of being done, but no one was doing it.

We had a softball game against Coor’s Light. Unfortunately, we couldn’t hit when we needed to. We had a lead over them for most of the game. But in one inning we allowed them a free out. From that point on they scored five and took a lead. That was a hard loss to take.

After the game I was on call for the fire department. We had a couple minor calls.

A Day in Colfax

June 26th, 2008

I spent most of the afternoon and early evening working in the jail. I did a couple rounds along the way. I also ran control a fair amount of time. It was the first time I really had a chance to run it for a length of time.

Captain saw for the first time I was losing weight. Up until now he didn’t even notice. He is probably the only one who hasn’t noticed. I needed a new belt and Tom suggested that I could use his old belt. He gave it to me, but it is still a little bit too small for me. In another couple week I suppose I should be able to fit into it.

Closer to seven I went to the jail to attend the coroner’s meeting. We went over a couple cases and signed up for on-call days.

Working the Jail

May 9th, 2008

It was a day to work in the jail. I spent almost eight hours there. It was pretty quiet for the most part. I did a booking, teletyped a couple warrants. Right now we are in the process of upgrading all the equipment in the control room to include new cameras, audio, and doors systems. Right now the control room is torn apart and everything is set up pretty different from what you use to be.

Shook in the Jail

March 25th, 2008

Before fire training I went to Colfax a little early. I was in the jail for a while. We ended up having to do a shack down in one of the units looking for a missing item. When it was done we ended up locking down the whole unit for various reasons.

When it was time for training I went to the fire station across the street. We were dealing with fire alarms and water protection devices. It was a good training.

When I got home I was going to go to The Zzu, but I have had a hard time waking up so I decided it would be best if I went to bed early to make sure I got up at a good time.

Helping out in the Jail

March 21st, 2008

I spent a little time getting the tower set up for the training I am putting tomorrow for my crew. After getting the room set up and getting the fog machine set up. I went to the station and wrote information the white board for the briefing.

Later in the afternoon I was working on the website for the reserves so they can input their own subs. I got that working to a point. I need to spend some more time to get the logic and the workings even better. It is sort of clunky right now. But it does work.

I went to the jail around eight in the evening to put in around six hours. I did a booking and did a couple rounds. It was a pretty slow night in the jail over all. I stayed until two in the morning.

Lost the Cable Modem

January 29th, 2008

Last night my internet stopped working. I figured it was due to the snow we had been getting. This morning when I still didn’t have connectivity I called work and let them know what was going on. Then I went off to Colfax.

I contacted TimeWarner about the problem. There were not outages, so to me that meant the modem went bad. An appointment was set up for me for tomorrow.

I decided to work in the jail followed by a trip to Colfax Fire for training. When I got to the fire station I hung out for a little bit. I helped Hickman chain up his car. He didn’t quite know how to use the chains that he had. I had them both on in about five minutes.

I told them I would be responding on call from the jail. I was told there was no training tonight. So I have not been to a training all year due to them either being cancelled or me being gone.

I went over to the jail. The snow had been falling and things were getting bad. The county sent people home for the day. Roads were getting closed. We were getting calls from people asking about the roads. I didn’t get to book anyone today, but I did get a couple teletype warrants sent out.

I worked eight hours in the jail and left shortly after dinner. As I was walking out the tones went off for an unknown injury rollover accident. I made the ambulance. We went en route, but firefighters who got on scene before us said that it was non-injury. So we cancelled and went back to the station.

A Night on the Town

December 4th, 2007

I got up late this morning, allowing myself to sleep in. I got on the computer and worked on a couple bugs for work before I went to Colfax. I was there for only about four hours. But I got three bookings and releases done. It was the guys who were busted for the frat fight last month.

I went to Colfax for training. We were doing cardiac emergencies. Before the training started we went on a ambulance call for a cardiac emergency. The class went from seven until almost nine-thirty. I was put in charge a group doing CPR.

Following training it was back to Pullman. I was going to meet up with some of the guys from the FD at Pete’s for Wiley night. I got down there and it was packed. The line to get anything was long and thick. It took about forty minutes to get to the front of the line. Dearth and Wilcox were in front of me. Anton, Bien’s friend, was also with them. We spent the time talking about various things. I finally got my pitcher of beer and went to the table. I saw Grim and Andy from poker playing fame. A. Wilcox was there so was Pritchett. Blake was on his way out the door. A. Wilcox came up to hang out with us. I finished off the beer and we headed up to the Zuu.

I was in the very back of Dearth’s blazer. I left my truck at Pete’s. On the way I farted. I didn’t think it was bad, it people started to make a huge deal about the smell. Bien was pretty drunk, so I was able to get everyone to blame him.

When we were going in the Zuu Bien’s girlfriend, Megan was texting him. I took over his phone and started to respond to her. She wanted to pick him up. We were able to keep him until midnight.

At the Zuu I saw Peter as well as Loren. Doug, Denise, and Neils were there as well. I had another pitcher of beer as we sang a couple songs on karaoke. We closed out the bar. Dearth was really drunk and left. Wilcox also left because he was drunk. So it was just Anton, Bien, and I left. I got a ride home, and I was feeling the alcohol.

I drank a lot of water before finally going to bed.

Another Day in Jail

November 20th, 2007

Another shift working in jail. I worked with a new person today. I helped him book someone in and did a round with him. I worked there until around six o’clock pm. It was pretty uneventful for the most part.

I went to training in Colfax. It was a pretty short one. We went over the cascade system in the rescue and in the station. We learned how to hook up bottles and how to hook the rescue to the in-house system to refill it.

When that was done Carl, Scott, Chris, and I played poker for a couple hours. I won the first hand of the night and couldn’t do anything after that.

My Interview

November 13th, 2007

I was scheduled for an interview at SEL today. It was for eight in the morning. I got up and dressed. I had to scrap my window. Then I got to SEL. I was taken to the interview room which was in a different building. I had three people asking me questions.

I think I did well with the questions that they asked. It took about two hours in total. They did not ask any specific coding questions, just things in general about my previous work. It sounds like there are two others who would be working in the same area as I would work. I would be working to get data from Access databases and move them to SQL server. Then I would build front ends for them in ASP.NET. I am not sure if they job will be a good fit, because I get the feeling they have the normal eight-to-five work schedule rather than the mentality of a development company that gives more flexibility to developers. They may worry about that too, because the main guy did ask me a question about the flexibility that I have.

When I was done with the Interview I got my jail uniform on and went to work in the jail. I had lunch first at the fire station in Colfax and then worked for the next six hours in the jail. I did a partial round, mainly worked as help on the floor doing fingerprints and some stuff with getting inmates to see the nurse.

When it was close to time to go to Colfax Fire a call came in looking for help to package a patient for sending on the helicopter. I went to help out. It was the patient that Colfax fire had transported earlier in the day. I hope everything turns out well for the patient.

I got some dinner and ate at the fire station in preparation for our board and business meeting. When the meeting was over Tim and I watched House before I came back to Pullman.


September 21st, 2007

I got called a couple days ago asking if I would come into the jail and work because they were running low on people for Friday. I told Poffenroth that I would. I got down there after the daily call-in meeting. I worked until four o’clock. It was pretty dead for a Friday.

I went to Colfax Fire and talked with Jenny and Rick for a bit. Rick was washing his truck. Ken stopped by. He had to go to the Coroner’s office to get some stuff. I accompanied him down there. We spent about twenty minutes talking about a case we were both familiar with. I got my new ID card.

I went to Russell’s place following getting my uniform off and we went to Moscow to get him a ankle brace for his ankle. We started at Big-Five. But they did not have the greatest selection of sizes. We went to the sports store in the mall and he got what he needed.

He also called Nick and we planned to meet up at Apple Bee’s for dinner. We got over there and it was packed. It was Dad’s weekend at U of I. After eating we went over to the mall to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and Old Navy. They were getting ready to close. A couple of the people there got some stuff and then we left.

I took Russell home and went home myself. I had to be up early and I wanted to get a good nights sleep. But instead I started to watch the Pullman High football game on TV. It was in the final three minutes. Pullman tied it up and they went into OT. Pullman won it in the OT period.