First Twenty-Four Hour Shift
I was at the fire department before eight o’clock in the morning for my first day on shift. I had planned on what to make for dinner. I found that someone else was working an OT shift so he was going to make dinner so I planned on doing lunch for everyone.
We started by getting calls which destroyed the plans for the morning. But we were able to get the supplies for a lunch. We got back and put it together for everyone. I was getting crap from the guys, but it was all in good fun.
Later on we did PL training and that ended with going to the tower to do some driving, but I was sent to Lewiston for a transfer. I worked with one of the newer medics. He is a ten-six-seven and a very nice guy. We talked about his new house in Uniontown and about the fire department on the way home.
When I got back we found the others were out dealing with some problems with the rigs that were under some mechanical problems. We were told to start eating because the others would take a while to get back.
We had some dinner and waited for the others to get back. Once they ate we did the dishes. I planned on going to bed around midnight. That is about when I did get to bed. The reserved got back from doing their training. I hung out with them as they were working on refilling air bottles. One of the newest reserves was there. He is a poster boy for ten-six-seven’s. He is screaming hot, if you will.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Final Day on Days
This morning was my final day working dayshift at the fire department. Starting on Monday I am working twenty-four hour shifts. We went to the main station for training that lasted a couple hours before going back to the Deuce. I bought some lunch for the guys before going back to finish training. It was a pretty quiet day at the department. When we got back we dealt with a “hot” odor in the station. We figured out it was the blower from the HVAC system. We let the city know about it.
I was about thirty minutes from going home. Those thirty minutes seemed to take for ever. It was like a little kid waiting for the last day of school to end. When it was finally done I went home to change and head to Pete’s.
We watch the Seahawks and hung out for several hours. Nearly seven hours in all watching TV and signing karaoke. I sang several songs and had a couple beers. It was all the guys from the softball team that will be playing in the ASA tournament coming up tomorrow morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Ladders and Ventilation
This morning came sort of early, but I had a busy day ahead of me. I was going to be doing some training in the heat of the day today. I was looking forward to getting it done with, but I wasn’t sure I was going to be a fan of the heat. When I got to work I found out that we were going to go up earlier in the day to get it done to keep cooler. I was also getting engine drive time. I still need more time on the engine, but I am getting closer.
We had a call to start off with. Then it was off to station one until the ambulance was back in service. Once in service we went to the tower. I had to throw some ladders and do some ventilation. It was a good training. I had a chance to learn some techniques for vertical ventilation I hadn’t done before. I also learned a way to help get someone down from an upper floor if I were by myself. I did some tandem horizontal ventilation before we were done. It was a good training day in all.
I worked on the engineer book in the afternoon. It was pretty quiet at far as calls went. I was planning on going down to Colfax after the day working. I stopped at the station first to get my backpack with my computer. I talked to the guys I use to work with for a little over an hour before heading to Colfax.
I got to Colfax and went into the SO to drop off my paperwork from the coroner’s case from the other day. I went to the fire station after that. I hung out there for a couple hours but nothing came in. We had a city cop ask us to help with the removal of a dead deer. That was about all we did, that and watch a movie.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire, Coroner, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Body for Life Done… Again
This morning started out okay. John was giving me some crap about my shirt bring wrinkled. I laughed it off. We went on to our rig checks. Following rig checks we go onto cleaning. Normally I sweep and then clean the front bathroom and sometimes the back bathroom. No one has ever had to tell me to do anything in terms of the chores because I keep on top of it. I know as the new guy I get the jobs no one else wants, so rather than trying to skate on it, I just go do it.
As I was walking in the station from the bay Keeton told John “tell the probie to clean the toilets”. John then repeated it. That made me mad as I feel low as it is, but to be told to do something I have been doing for a couple weeks without being told, I felt like I was just being ridiculed. As I cleaned no one on the shift helped out. I ended up doing all the chores except for emptying the trash. I was livid about this. Every other shift helps out with the chores. It took me an extra forty minutes to get done.
I was very mad and I just didn’t feel like talking to anyone today. John realized that I was mad as I was leaving he stopped me to talk. I wouldn’t tell him what was wrong. I know as the new guy I am going to get crap and I am sure others have gotten it worse than me. I didn’t want to tell him because it would feel like I am whining. When you take what was said on the face it really wasn’t bad. But because of who it came from, my friends, and the fact that no one helped just didn’t sit well. I left without telling him.
I went to the rec center to weigh in. It was the final weigh in of this Body for Life period. I lost twenty eight pounds in this period and I am down sixty-five pounds total since January. I was disappointed. This last week at the fire department has been horrible. I have not had the time to work out like I need to. My eating has not been the greatest either. But I am still losing weight and that is important. I have a ways to go before I hit my goal, but I am still working my way there. I have seen a lot of loss and it feel good.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)First Morning Structure Fire
This morning the tones woke me up shortly before four in the morning. They were calling a second alarm. I went to the fire station after having driven through the downtown area. I would smell smoke. When I got to the fire station they didn’t need us to go to the scene, so I stood by. For a couple hours.
When the rigs got back I helped put them in service. I went to the store and bought some donuts for everyone. I got my books from home and came back to work. I pretty much worked there from four in the morning until five in the evening.
I decided to go down to Colfax tonight. I hung out with Ralph for a couple hours waiting for a call to come in. While I was there we sat outside talking about fire services and more. It was getting to be around ten o’clock and I was getting a bit tired so I was getting ready to head out when a call did come in. It was a transfer. I took it. It was only from Colfax to Pullman so it wasn’t a big deal, but I did get to go code on the way.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)More Check offs
I went to the fire tower with C-shift to work on some more check offs. We did vertical ventilation and set up the master stream with a five inch hose. That is all we did, but it took a while to get everything completed because we discussed stuff as we went along.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Long Call on the Mall
This afternoon we were dispatched out to a natural gas leak up on the CUB mall. I came in on one of the engines. I got packed up and I manned the hose line for the time we were up there. It was very hot outside and I was sweating pretty good.
Nothing ended up happening other than the gas leak getting shut down, but we had to wait for them to jackhammer through the street bed and dig through the dirt to get to it.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Week Two Under Way
This is the start of week two for me. I got up to start the day in the Rec Center swimming pool. I was a little out of swimming shape again. I was able to do two laps then I was really winded. I finished a total of about six laps, but I am going to have to work my stamina back up.
I got into work and did more of the rookie book. I was able to get some questions answered and worked on various other things. It was weird not having Monday Night training tonight. It was the first time I haven’t had it in a long time.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Week One Under the Belt
With the first week under my belt I feel good about how it went, but I feel like I should be further along in my rookie book. But that is because I felt like I would tear through it quicker than I have been. Plus there are so many things to do in it that you have to multitask.
I got some drive time done in Engine Thirty-Two. I also got my box-streets project completed. We also responded on four calls after lunch time today as well.
I decided not to stay up too late tonight because I have to be in Bovill tomorrow for the softball tournament.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Coroner Training
We didn’t do any evolutions today. That was okay because the last two days left me really sweaty. Chuck and I went to Campus and spent a couple hours walking around looking at the Knox Boxes and FDC’s on various buildings.
After work I went to Colfax for my coroner’s training. We were talking about water deaths. Pete talked about SCUBA. We also spent time talking about the recent drowning at the Snake. We were talking about what we would expect to find.
I also got a pager for the coroner’s office finally. Pete has been trying to get them for years. He finally just bought his own for us.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Final Regular Season Game
Today we were at the tower doing some more evolutions. Today it was standpipe stuff.
After work it was off to playing softball. We were playing the final game of the regular season. We were not able to win the game, but it didn’t matter much we had second place locked up.
After the game several of us went to Pete’s to meet up with the guys who we played against. It was Bruce and Joe’s team — Tubbs. They beat us, so we had some good banter back and forth, but we beat them two of three times so I had that to hold over their heads.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Softball | Comment (0)Wildland Field Driver Training
Started off today doing the daily rig checks and chores. We went to the CUB for a tour. I was underwhelmed by the new look. The colors make you question “why?” As we were completing the tour we got a call. I was in the ambulance and we went to the scene. It was my first ambulance call with them.
Later we went to the tower to work on evolutions to sign off Chuck and I on items in our rookie book. Today we were pulling the pre-connects and spraying water.
After work I went to Colfax for training. We went to Steptoe to do some field driving in the rural rigs. It was the first time I drove them off road. I was nervous at first, but I got a little use to it after doing some driving.
They pretty much knew I got the temp position with Pullman. They congratulated me and asked me some questions about how it worked.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)First Day of New Job
Today was the first day working as a temp full-timer at the fire department. I brought in some donuts. Heston and did our admin stuff. Then I had a task of changing the tires on a car that we are going to extrication training on later on this evening. I don’t have my rookie book yet to start working on. That is going to take a while once I do get it.
Towards the end of the shift we got a call where we went code in the PL. It has a growler and we were playing that all the way there. Turned out to be a nothing call.
Later on I went to extrication training. I was helping the reserves with it. This was my first Monday Night training that I didn’t have to be at, but I was able to get there. It was my one last chance to do something with the reserves. But when I get on shift, the Monday nights that I am working I will get a chance to work with them on training then as well.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Major Life Event, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Last Full Shift
Today was the last full shift on Rescue. I am going to be on Rescue again on Saturday, but I am also going to be playing golf late on that night.
Tonight we had several calls and I got a chance to drive Rescue code several times including saying my catch phrase “Whitcom Rescue-Thirty-Two”.
I am going to really miss running Rescue with the guys.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Starting On the Last Couple Shifts
Tonight was the night to beat up on another softball team. We were playing K&K; again. The first couple games were close games that we won. Today it was a run away for My Office. We had no problems beating up on the other team.
After the game I was on call for the fire department. I am starting the final couple shifts as a reserve. I am sad about the end of the run of being a reserve Crew Leader. I am going to miss working with the guys and I am going to miss having a position with some responsibility.
I feel like there are things that I have not done yet, so I don’t feel like I am ready to move along. But that is the way it is. I am not going to be able to stay and make the changes to the reserve program that will make it stronger.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Softball | Comment (0)The New Temp
I went to the fire station this morning to update a couple photos on the photoboard. I was asked by Wilkins if I would be there after I was done. I told him I needed to go to the rec center but I could come back later on. I had a feeling that he wanted to talk to me about the temp job.
I went to the rec center and did the LE physical agility test. I am still not there on situps. I also made the mile and a half in about the same about of time. I need to shave about one minute off that time in order to get forty points.
I came home and cleaned up. I called the station and I set up an appointment to meet with the Chiefs at three o’clock PM. In the mean time I talked with Jon a little about the upcoming decision that I have to make. I guess I am sort of in the drivers seat, because I don’t need to take the position. I sort of feel like I need to take it however.
I went to the fire station and I met up with the chiefs. I was offered the temp positions. It was said that I would not be guaranteed a job due to this, but it could help if I do a good job while working as a temp. I was given some time to think about it. They said they would work with me due to my other job. I told them I couldn’t give up my other job knowing that there may not be a position when this is all done because they want to change it to a paramedic position. They said they would work with me in reference to my other job.
I left and called Jon. We talked about it some more. He pointed out that this temp period is a good thing for a couple reasons. One is that if I don’t work out, then I still have a job to go it. If I don’t take this, and wait until a fulltime position comes open. Then I take it and don’t work out, I am out two jobs. Plus with them working with me I should be able to do both for a while. I am very nervous about saying yes, but I went back to the station to take it.
I went to Heston’s office and said I that I am going to take it. He shook my hand and we scheduled my first day to be Monday of next week. I am going to only have three more shifts as a reserve. I am sad about that. I am going to miss working with those guys. I am now in a little bit of a haze as this is a big event in my life and I have a lot to think about now.
I got a call from Gollnick. I thought he already knew. He was calling about playing poker. I figured I would tell him in person.
I asked Heston to hold off on the e-mail until as late as he can so I can tell my guys in person. It was going to work out because everyone was coming down for rig checks early, and A. Wilcox and I had to be there to clean the bay. As I got to the station I got another call from Gollnick. He had been at the station and heard some rumors. He called me to ask me about it. I told him what was going on. I told him that I was going to tell him while playing poker. For my guys, I waited until everyone was there.
I told them that I was offered and accepted the temporary position. They congratulated me. But I am sad. The E-mail had gone out and by the end of my softball game I had a couple texts from people congratulating me.
We played against Tubbs. My head was not fully in the game as I was thinking about the change in my life. I had a good night. I pitched the whole game and didn’t walk anyone on accident. One guy we walked on purpose a couple times. I also hit the ball pretty well. We won the game in the bottom of the seventh. It was great to win that one. We let up eight runs in the first, but came back to win.
After the game I went home and Gollnick came over. We played poker at my place until almost two in the morning. We spent a lot of time talking about the things I should do while I am at the fire station. What I should do on my first couple days. I had a pretty good idea having been around the fire services as long as I had been. The one I didn’t know is to make sure there is coffee always ready.
I lost some money playing poker, but it could have been worse. I was only down nine bucks on the night, but at one point I was down to two bucks left.
Today is one of those days, I was expecting the offer for the temp position, but I am still not mentally prepared to leave the reserves. Though I have spent a lot of time thinking about that in the last couple months. I also realize my dreams of getting back on the sheriff’s reserves will probably not be fulfilled. I am disappointed about that because I was really starting to think about how nice it would be to get that under my belt. It seems like everything went so fast.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Major Life Event, Poker, Pullman Fire, Softball | Comment (0)Working in the Office
I went into the office today to put up my new computers. While I was there I talked to Barb a little bit about the future of the company. There is a chance they are going to sell us off. That would leave me somewhere that I don’t know. This uncertainty has been going on for several months now. I am still not sure what the next day or the next week has in store.
I went to lunch with Ricky. He is leaving the company and going to a new place because of everything that has been happening. That means it is only me after he is gone. I invited Noah and Chris to come eat with us. We went to Crossroads.
After lunch I headed back to Pullman. I had Monday Night training. We were doing a critique of the structure fire that we had last month at the Clarke Terrace apartments.
It lasted about two hours. I then went off to my house. I had to get caught up on the things I wasn’t able to do at the end of last week because of the softball tournament and being out of town.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Happy Birthday America!
I wanted to sleep in as much as I could because I was going to be making a trip to Bremerton tonight after the fireworks show. It didn’t work as well as I would have hoped. I woke up early. I tried to go back to sleep and I wasn’t able to. I think I did get one more hour.
I was getting ready to go to the fireworks show. I set up my cooler with some stuff to eat and drink up there. Then I went to station two and got the fire engine and drove down to station one. I picked up some supplies and it was up to Sunnyside park. I had forgotten my camera and used the Chief’s rig to go get it.
We helped to get everything set up. Heston and I got dinner and then went back to the fire apparatus. We showed it off to people and I took photos as that happened. Finally it was starting to get dark and it was close to the time for the show.
We got everything put away. I went on top of the fire engine to watch the show. It was a nice show and I got some photos of the fireworks going off. We waited at the park for about thirty minutes for everyone to clear out. Then we drove back to the station. We got the stuff put away and I drove home. I ordered a pizza to go and headed to Bremerton.
I was hoping to make it to Vantage before I had to take a nap, but the roads were clear and I was moving along very well. When I went through Vantage I wasn’t tired so I kept on moving. Soon I was in the Pass. Then I was on Highway Eighteen. Then I got on I-Five. Then I was crossing the Tacoma Narrows bridge. It wasn’t a lot longer before I got to the field. I found a place to park and tried to sleep. It was around five-thirty in the morning. I tossed and turned a lot. I couldn’t get very comfortable. I think I was able to manage one hour of sleep.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Fires
This afternoon I went to the Cougar Kids Camp to show the kids the Rescue and to talk to them about the fire department as well as answering questions. Then we let them play with the hose and spray water. They all were playing under the water stream getting wet. They had a really good time.
Later on we were going to be doing fireworks patrols around the city. Pretty much we were just being visible. We hit all four hills a couple times each. We were doing it four five hours. After two and a half hours it had been quiet. Then we got an EMS call. While waiting on that a delta – structure fire was dispatched. We were cleared by the PD from the medical call as there was no medical situation.
We went to the scene. It turned out to be a brush fire in front of the apartment building. Parrish got to pump Engine Thirty-One on that fire. It was his first fire. Williams also was command and that was his first time. I got Rescue there and we pumped that as well. Rescue mainly was just used for mop up.
We took a few minutes to get back in service and drove around some more. I had planned on staying on College Hill, but with the Engine driving there I said we would go to Pioneer Hill. I stopped at the gas station on Bishop just off of Main Street. I mentioned to A. Wilcox the last time I was there in a department vehicle we had a structure fire that night. We drove around and stopped in a couple areas briefly to chat with people lighting off fireworks.
It was getting to be past ten o’clock PM. We were going to call it a night at eleven. Just as we went up Whitman on College Hill we got dispatched to a delta response for a fire near a building. We lit up the lights and started to head that way.
Engine was on scene within seconds of the dispatch. They had seen the smoke and started that way to investigate. They were turning onto Deane where the call was. They saw the flames and then heard the dispatch. We spent more than an hour on the scene putting out the fire and overhaul. Which meant we cut away a ton of the shrubs and tree limbs to get into the fire area.
As it turned out Parrish pumped again, Williams was command again, and I pumped Rescue while there. Heston showed up on that one and just watched for the most part. He congratulated me on my position on the list. He asked if I would accept the position. I told him that if one was offered that I would take it.
It took about another hour to clean up and get both Engine and Rescue back in service and fueled up after the call. We got the Rescue washed and went home. I wasn’t home very long when we got toned out for another delta response for a wildland fire. This one turned out to be an illegal burn in a fire pit. We did go and put it out using Rescue to pump.
It was one heck of a long night.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Number One!!!
I just opened the letter I got from Pullman Human Resources with the information about my application and testing. I scored the highest of everyone and I am number one on the hiring list!
That means that I will get an interview when the first job opening come up. I still have to beat out two other people in the Chief’s interview, but I am that much closer.
I also think they will be trying to get someone to work as a temp for the next five months or so. I am not sure if they will do that. If they do I am not sure if I will be asked to do so, but if they do I will have some big decisions to make.
I was very excited when I saw that I was number one.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Full Day in Jail
I worked in the jail today. I saw Myers about something that he needed done. It was some printing stuff. Plus I talked to him about being a Reserve. He said I needed to fill out an application. Then I would go through the testing. If I made it the academy would start in September and go for a couple months. They are condensing the academy as much as possible. I am going to have to train for the physical agility test.
While working I had a couple guys working on doing the floors, windows, and doors. It was in need of being done, but no one was doing it.
We had a softball game against Coor’s Light. Unfortunately, we couldn’t hit when we needed to. We had a lead over them for most of the game. But in one inning we allowed them a free out. From that point on they scored five and took a lead. That was a hard loss to take.
After the game I was on call for the fire department. We had a couple minor calls.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Softball, WCSO | Comment (0)Large House Hunting
I got my workout done and finished off my town crier column completed and turned in. It will print on Wednesday.
Pam and I were going to look at houses today. One has been on the market for a long time and I have wanted to go look at it, but I just never have. So with the price reduction I went to look. It was a house on Lower drive. It is over forty-eight hundred square feet. There are a lot of large rooms through out the house. The upstairs is very nice and updated. Downstairs is a little dated. But as a bachelor pad it would be great. There is no place to park the motorhome there but it is nice and close to campus which would make walking to events and the rec center more doable.
I also looked at one on Upper drive. It was a large house as well, but it appeared to be a little more dated through out and not as large feeling. It is nice, but not really for me.
We had hose testing tonight I figured I would get Engine Thirty-One because no one else would think about it. That was the case. So I drove it to Station One so we could test the five-inch hose on it. It didn’t take a lot of time for us to the hose test.
I spent some of the time talking to my mom. She said that Amber and Jen have new homes. That they are living with people who can care for them and love them and will be around for them. I also told her about the houses I looked at.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Incredibly Hot
It was a long day in the heat of the hottest day of the summer. It got in the upper nineties today.
I started out with batting practice at the city playfields. Jake needed to work on pitching a little bit for an upcoming tournament. I was hitting the ball well in the batting practice.
I went to the fire station to pick up an ambulance after the BP. It needed to go to station two to get waxed along with the Utility. I was there from around eleven until after four doing the waxing and rig checks. It was a long day doing that, plus it was still really hot, even in the bay.
After the work I took the ambulance back to station one and drove to the city playfields. We had a double header. But the first game we had to FFT because we didn’t have enough women to start the game. So we did a practice game against Zeppoz. Then it was on to the second game.
We had enough women for that game. I hit the ball very well. I had three stand-up triples and one single. It was great. After the game Heston and I went to Cougar Country for some dinner. I was very hungry because I didn’t have much of anything to eat while I was working all day.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Softball | Comment (0)Pullman Fire Test
Started the morning off with the written test for the fire department. There were several people there wearing shirts from other fire department. Pritch calls them “Shirt Testers”. He agrees with me that they are tools. I didn’t feel like I nailed it like I have felt in the past.
When it was done we were going to have to go to the training tower to find out what our score was. If we didn’t do well enough we would have to leave. I didn’t want to do the walk-of-shame if I didn’t pass, so I waited outside the high school for the test administrator to come out. I was told I passed and I was off to the physical agility test. That made me feel better.
They did the test in alphabetical order. So I was one of the first to go. I bested my last time by about one minute. After I tested I spent the rest of the time helping with the other tests. I was resetting the dummy drag and the hose drag. It was hot and I drank as much water as I could.
I went home and showered. I hung around my house for a while. I was going to put together a poker game, but there wasn’t enough people. I decided that I would go to Zeppoz to talk to Loren about putting on some games at my house.
While I was there I played some Spanish Twenty-One. I won two bucks when I cashed in and tipped it to Loren. I talked to him about poker. I saw Gilbertson from Colfax Fire. He was playing Spanish Twenty-One. He had a moment where he was able to double down. He got a very small card, so I suggested a double-double down. The dealer had an ace showing. Gilbertson double-doubled and got a twenty. I said “Watch the dealer flip over a three and draw a seven for twenty-one.” The dealer flipped a three. Then an eight, then a nine for a total of twenty-one. Everyone was laughing at the table and it pretty much broke him.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)A Painful Loss
I went to Moscow to get some business card paper to re-print the dollar off coupons for Cougar Country because the last ones I did had Country spelled County. That sucked.
I stopped in at a scooter place to look at the scooter they had for sale. I looked around and it turns out the ones they sale are Chinese scooters. So they are not great quality, but they are inexpensive and work. But I am still not sure that is what I want to do.
I hung out there for a while talking to Roger from Green’s Cleaners. It has been a while since I have really seen him. We talked softball, music, and more. It was a nice conversation.
Later on I had a softball game. It was against Bomb Squad. It was a close game all the way through it, but we were not able to pull it out. We let them score several runs in the top of the seventh inning. We had a chance, but left the bases loaded. I was so disappointed that we didn’t pull that one out. We had a chance.
I also was on call for the fire department. We got toned out around one in the morning and ran two calls. But the second one we didn’t go to the hospital, so that made for a shorter call.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Softball | Comment (0)Reserves that Don’t Like to Work
This morning I made sure to get in and do my legs workout. Because of the physical agility test on Saturday and the fact that I don’t want tired legs going into it I will not do another legs workout this week.
After the workout I did some work on the reserve time log. We are going to standardize the time log to be more like the career OT time log. I wanted to have my input used in making it.
I also was asked to help out with some videos for training tonight. I was trying to help Wehrung download some, but that was no use, so I just had him link to them using favorites.
We had our training. It was firefighter standdown week. So we spent time going over safety information and looking over our protective equipment to get it repaired if there are any problems with it.
After the meeting Brown, Chapman, and I started to talk about training. Soon that went into a discussion about the reserves and their lack of willingness to do anything more than the minimum. They don’t like to pick up events nor extra shifts. They don’t come down on daytime calls and they don’t usually have their pagers on at night in case of a second alarm. It is pretty pathetic at times the turn out we get from the reserves when a second alarm hits. That is one of the big reasons why we exist. If we don’t start to show our worth they may decide they don’t need us.
I was on call running the engine with Chapman. We had one fire alarm call come in around midnight. Just before the call came out I got an e-mail from one of my guys asking for a night off because there is a streak where four out of five nights we will be doing something. That was an eyebrow raising request in light of the conversation we just had. I told Chapman about it because the timing of the e-mail was incredible.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Small Reserve BBQ
Due to the busy week I missed two work out dates, so I went to the rec center today to make both of them up. I was there for about an hour doing that. Then I shot hoops with Matt for a while. We played some one on one and HORSE. I lost both of those games.
I went to the store afterwards and did some shopping. I was getting low on some food items I need. The trip took about an hour in all.
I had some time to get ready for the small BBQ we were doing at the station with Andrew and Clark. We were having the package of brauts left over from camping last weekend. I cooked those up and we had those plus some potato salad and ice cream that Clark brought in.
We went on to rig checks. There were only three of us so it took a while to get through everything.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Pump Time with Gribbon
I spent time with Gribbon and Rose doing pump time on the Engine. He is working on being an engineer and Rose was there to help me with spraying water and reloading the hose.
Rich and I played some Xbox for a while. We were playing Las Vegas for a while getting through a couple of the missions before calling it a night.
It was a pretty quiet night tonight having one call come out around one o’clock in the morning. We didn’t do much on that one. In fact we were cancelled en route. But we had to fill up the rig.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Jersey Night Lives On!
I spent a couple hours with Ben driving in Engine Thirty-One going around looking at FDC locations. It started with an EMS call coming in. We went to the scene with Rescue. Then it was off to the engine. No calls came in while we were using the Engine.
I went to the WSU Surplus said with Bruce. We found him some pants to wear but as it turned out the whole box was sold in the auction and we were not able to get the pants. That sucked for him.
We were going to be playing against his team this evening in softball. It wasn’t quite a run away like the others games for us. My first at bat was a triple and that felt good to hit it. It was my first extra-base hit in the regular season for men’s softball.
We ended up being tied at fourteen each. We went into the eighth inning. We shut down Tubbs. On our at bat we went to work. Warren hit a double. Peter got walked and Kelly hit the game winning double. It was a nice victory. We are starting to click as a team.
After the game Joe invited me to go to Pete’s to meet up with his team, Tubbs. I said I would come down, but I needed to say Happy Birthday to Heather first. I went to the Moose. I said happy birthday to her and said hello to many of the others who are part of that group.
Then I went to Pete’s. I was only going to drink pop, but it was Jersey Night. Jessie and Craig from Colfax fire were there. I sat with them for a while and we talked. Craig and I started a text messaging game on accident. We had to text message a single word to the other person that has something to do with the word that was texted to you. We went on with that for a long time.
Joe came over with a shot for everyone. I had one. Then another shot. Then some beer. Then it was over with for me. I got my vehicle home and back for more beer. Then we went to ValHalla. Loren was there and he was drunk. He gave me two Long Island Ice teas that he couldn’t finish. Plus I got another drink there.
The next stop was Mike’s. We had more to drink there. Plus the guys from Tubbs were being crazy. A couple of them were in the dancing cage having fun. Then it was off to Thai Ginger, which use to be Shermers. On the way Chambers, from Tubbs, wanted to run to the bar. We were taking a taxi. He went off sprinting. A couple Pullman cops were in the area and almost had to jump out of his way. They were wondering what the heck was going on.
He beat us to the bar. We had more to drink there. We played some darts and other games. Then it was across the street to My Office. That was the final stop of the night. We closed out My Office. I spent time talking with Jake and Mac from Tubbs. I think both of them are ten-six-sevens. It was a very fun night. I got a ride home in a taxi. I stayed up for a while drinking water before going to bed. It was going to be a short night because I have to get up on the early side tomorrow.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)A Big Day Scoring Runs
This morning I was very tired getting up after only a couple hours of sleep. I went to the station and met up with Gecas. We took Engine Thirty-One out to do drive and pump time. We spent a couple hours driving and about thirty minutes pumping.
I got done in time to rush down to Lewiston to see the doctor about my finger. He said the injury I have usually takes nine months to heal. He said I should buddy-splint my finger. He gave me a couple buddy splints. He suggested using tape when I am playing softball. It was good to know it will heal on its own, but it will take a long time.
I got back and started to get ready for my softball game. It was being played over in Moscow. We were playing a team we have never played because they are a new team. We scored eleven runs in the first inning and just kept hitting away. We scored a total of thirty-one runs in the game. That is a record for the softball team.
After the game I went to the Zzu to meet up with Michele and Heather and the other girls from the softball team. We hung out there until around midnight. I had some nachos and pop as we sat around talking about softball and random other things. It was a fun night out.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Softball | Comment (0)Staff Meeting
I went to the first full staff meeting representing the reserves because Chapman was unable to go. It was a pretty short meeting only lasting about two hours. We covered some updated SOPs and other department information. I got home and typed up the parts that dealt with the reserves and E-mailed them to Chapman and McPherson.
I did my workout at the rec center. I didn’t get up there until later than normal because of the staff meeting.
The softball game tonight was a late game. We were playing the team at the top of the standings. I didn’t know that going into the game. We had eleven guys and we played very well. I used a different line-up than we had been using. We hit the ball very well. We went on to win with twelve runs. It was a good game for us.
I went out to My Office after the game and had some pop and talked with Joe who was there after his game.
I got home and out of my uniform when I got a call from Whitcom about a death. I talked to the ambulance crew and went to the scene. I did my investigation and that lasted until around three-thirty in the morning. I went to bed right when I got home because I was going to have to get up early to do drive time with Ben on the engine.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner, Pullman Fire, Softball | Comment (0)Day Time Call with Ben
I was working on a problem on the phone for a couple hours with the guys from the office. It was a three-way call. Soon a couple calls came out from the fire department. Then I heard someone “Standing by with one”. So I went down and we went out on the call.
Later on we had training at the station. I brought my binder down, because it was OTEP training. We were doing CPR and AED training. Because I am a CPR instructor I helped to run people through a scenario. When I was done with that I became the student with Brown putting me through the ropes.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Another Tough Loss in Softball
After getting up and starting my morning I went to the camp site where everyone else was. I brought out my muffins as we started to cook breakfast. I did the eggs. Carl cooked the hashbrowns and Jim cooked the bacon. We sat down to eat breakfast then people started to pack up.
I got my motorhome taken care of then I helped Jim and Carl with their camp areas. We left there around eleven in the morning. I got back to Pullman and got cleaned up.
I went down to the station and started with the rig checks. I got the bay cleaned out first and the pump test done. Then the others started to show up and we checked the rigs. That took a couple hours in all. I was done in time for me to be at the coed game.
We only had five guys and five girls show up. That was good because everyone got to play the whole game, but we were hurting at the left side of the infield. We gave up some outs we would not normally give up with our normal starters.
It was a close game, but we were not able to get the timely hits. That has been a problem with all my teams lately. We cannot get a hit when it matters. We ended up losing the game by four runs, but again we had a chance and with our starters there I think we could have won this one.
After the game we went to Cougar Country. I got a Cyclone and we sat around talking before breaking up a little after eight. I went home and I was on call for the rest of the night. We got one call that came in around three in the morning and that was about it for the night.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Softball | Comment (0)An Evening on Rescue
Today we had a couple calls starting with a call where it looked like CPR was going to take place, but we didn’t need to do that, but soon we were running from call to call for a couple hours. Once that was done we headed back to the station and called it good for the day time because the guys I was with wanted to get some lunch.
Later that evening I was on call on Rescue. Parrish was on Rescue with Chipper. We got our first call just after midnight. On the way back to the station Parrish and I broke in Chipper with our rendition of Convoy. That was good time. But we soon got called out on a couple more calls. We were up until three in the morning on calls.
I had to get up early in the morning for my trip to Central Ferry park. I got the motorhome ready for the trip today between running calls and doing rig checks.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)A Bad Mood Today
I started off by seeing an E-mail saying that we left the Rescue in bad shape after the fire and that it was unfair to the other to make them clean it up. That we had no regard for Rescue. Then I got an E-mail from my Lt asking why it was left like that.
So I was boiling over everything. This same person who was complaining had a situation two weeks ago where the same kind of thing was left for my shift. But we fixed the problems and I just notified the crew leader. I didn’t send anything off to the Lt’s. That is the part that made me the most upset.
I went to work out and that made me feel a little better as I started to forget about the E-mail. Then I went to the station and spoke to the Lt. I explained to him that we had washed it, but forgot about the inside. It was just an oversight. He said he understood and that I just need to pass along to everyone that we need to make sure to double check things.
I felt a lot better, but I still wanted to talk to the crew leader who sent the E-mail to begin with rather than just talking to me.
My softball games were rained out again tonight so I did drive time on the engine with Parrish. Before the drive time started I got another E-mail that included E-mails sent by one of the guys on my shift. I felt like he was hanging me out to dry. I was mad all over again.
I went to the station and the firefighter who sent the E-mail out. I took him to the bay and told him that I felt like his E-mail left me out to dry. He said he didn’t mean that. I told him, that is how the E-mail came across.
Parrish started our drive time. I called the other crew leader. I asked him why he didn’t talk to me like I did for him. He said his Lt wanted to have an E-mail about it. I wondered why he said anything to the Lt to begin with. So I said that if we want to always send problems to the Lt in the future that is fine, but I want to be on the same page, to make sure I send problems along to my Lt as well.
I told him I preferred if we would start by keeping it at our level and if nothing gets fixed, then to escalate it. But I would do what he is going to do. I am not going to be the nice guy and then turn around and get beefed by the Lt’s. I said that it would be better if we were to keep it at our level so we don’t get a bad reputation as a group.
I then read the E-mail that I got that I felt like I was hung out to dry. I didn’t say that was my feeling before I read it to Parrish. But as soon as I read it, Parrish’s comment was “Sounds like you were hung out to dry.” I said that I had the same feeling. I wasn’t the only one who saw it that way. I talked to Parrish about it for a while and I came to the conclusion that I am going to continue to report things the way I always have. I am just going to keep it local unless it is a problem that has been on going. I hope the other crew leader does the same for me.
The drive time went uneventful. We washed and fueled the engine we used for the drive time before calling it a night. It was a quiet night for us.
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